Gone Away

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AUTHOR'S NOTE: I'm only writing this as a request from a friend of mine. I hope you like it.. I'll try to post once a week but, believe it or not, I actually have a life of my own. 

Blaine couldn't believe it. When Kurt got accepted to college, he was excited, happy for his fiance, but now? He couldn't be more upset. The two boys were at the airport. Once they got through the bag check, Kurt would go through security and be gone, all the way in New York and Blaine wouldn't see him for months. The only contact they would have would be the brief phone calls and the occasional video chat. Blaine knew he wouldn't hold his fiance again for months, never feel his warm embrace.

As the line moved forwards, Blaine held onto his lover's hand, wishing he didn't have to go. Eventually, it was Kurt's turn to check his bag. The man at the counter weighed his suitcase and printed out his digital ticket. Kurt smiled politely and walked towards security. Before the entrance, he turned to Blaine who was on the verge of tears. Kurt chuckled.

"What?" Blaine asked as his voice cracked. Kurt turned his head and eyes Blaine.

"Not very manly of you Blaine." He teased as he stroked his fiance's cheek. He frowned sympathetically.

"Hey, it's okay. It isn't the end you know. We can make this work, others do. You just have to hang in there. I'll still visit!" Blaine forced a smile. He wanted it to work, he really did but he knew in his heart it would falter. Long distance relationships never worked, but he knew he had to be strong for Kurt.

"I know. I just worry." He said, taking a step closer. Kurt stepped closer to Blaine.

"You worry too much." Kurt whispered as he brushed his cheek across Blaine's. "I should go now, I'll see you soon enough!" Kurt pecked the taller man's cheek and turned towards customs. Blaine watched him go, hoping in his heart it wouldn't be the end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09, 2018 ⏰

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