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it was a beautiful summer day, just a regular, sunny afternoon. and because it was so warm and sunny, sam decided to go swimming. of course, him being who he was, he was calling his lovely boyfriend while walking, the bikes being taken by his sister and mother.

heck, they even still talked once sam was actually at the lake, the two just so damn addicted to talking to one another, that it was a little concerning.

after a few minutes of talking at the beach, sam decided it was too hot to not at least swim for a little.

"ill be right back, okay? im just gonna swim a bit. i love you"

he said into the mic and grinned happily, sliding his shirt and sweats off so he wouldnt have to walk home wet. at least hed brought a towel this time.

but if you know the story already, youll know he didnt even need to bring one.

"oh, okay. dont drown, i love you"

sams boyfriend quickly said and made him laugh.

"i wont"

he said and put his phone onto the bench that his clothes were on, putting it under his white space shirt so it wouldnt overheat.

strolling to the shore, sam hummed a small tune. he felt safe going swimming alone, having practiced his magic so much, that he could safely apprehend any attacker. but since he couldnt see a single life form in at least a kilometre, he felt safe enough to let his guard down.

but he wasnt truly alone. a demon was lurking in the forest next to the lake, watching sams every move. it was someone who sam most definitely knew, which made it so much creepier. in fact, it was no other than his toxic ex boyfriend - chris. and he had a plan.

as soon as sams feet touched the chilly water, he felt a weight in his chest and stomach, dragging him down almost like rocks hed stacked inside of his body. yet he didnt care too much, putting it off as slight guilt for leaving sam, even if it was for just five minutes.

a dizzy feeling came next, one that made him feel almost giggly and easygoing. a feeling he only experienced after drinking more than any normal person his age should. it didnt even bother him too much. the feeling was nice and made the water seem warmer than it actually was.

the inviting small waves of the lake splashed on his stomach while stumbling inside of the water, humming a bit before taking a dive into the still fairly shallow water.

it wasnt until he swam to about the middle, that he started feeling his limbs get heavier. and heavier. until he could even barely keep his head over the water.

the sudden panic and thought that he could potentially drown, washed away all the drowsy feelings, him taking a deep breath to scream for help, yet whatever force was dragging him down was faster, him helplessly splashing the water before he went under it. meanwhile, chris came out of the bushes, using his large demonic wings to fly underwater and get sams passed out body from the bottom of the lake


sam woke up with a huge headache, a groan escaping his lips. "the fuck..?" he groaned  again, jumping up in a flinch when he heard some fairly heavy footsteps near him. the blindfold on his eyes didnt help him relax in the slightest.

sam knew what type of situation he was in and it made him nervous like any person. not knowing where you are and what could happen to you is absolutely terrifying.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2018 ⏰

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