Shy Love(Lashton FanFic)*

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Main Character Description :-
Lowri- Light long brown hair big brown eyes quite tall, Gets hyper off bonbons and is the joker out of all her friends laugh. Not popular an is shy but acts herself around boys, down to earth

Kyana-Medium blonde hair , green eyes. Short for her age , Loves to eat , is closest to lowri out of all her friends and also not popular and is also quite shy in front of boys at first but then when you get to know her she is very loud

Ashton-Light brown curly fringtastic hair with hazel/green eyes. Is average height . Plays the drums with a small band named 5 seconds of summer with Luke , Calum an Michael. More popular than Lowri and Kyana . Not afraid to tell you what he thinks of you.

Luke- blonde quiftastic hair with blue eyes. Really really tall not average for his age . Plays guitar also in a small band called 5 second of summer with Ashton, Calum an Michael. More popular than Lowri an Kyana. Quite shy around girls her doesn't like but loud around girls he likes.

Other Characters:
Calum-Ashton&Luke BestFriend
Michael-Ashton&Luke "
Jessica-Kyana&Lowri BestFriend
Tia- ENEMIES to lowri's tribe

taxi was pretty much silent.
'So what do you want to watch then?' Ashton asked.
'Fault in our stars?' Luke asked.
'Yeah' Lowri answered.
'Yeah' Ashton added.
'Fault in our stars it is then' Luke replied.
So we all went to get our tickets .
'Lowri do you want to sit by me?' Ashton asked.
'Um.... we'll I was going to sit by Kyana but yeah I will' I replied.
'Kyana you can sit by me if you like?' Luke was hitting on her you could tell.
'Sure , I would love to!' obviously she would say yes he's has been we crush since we came to high school.

Chapter 4:
Lowri P.O.V

We took our seats in the cinema. We sat right at the back so we could see perfectly and not have our necks aching.
Tonight was so good j had a thinking feeling in me like something good was going to happen. But. My tingling feeling Is not for something good because who just came in and sat in the row in front of us? Tia and Courtney.
We all sighed loudly so that they could hear us.
'Hi boys, girls' Tia said.
'Don't say hi to us!' Micheal replied , they hated Tia and Courtney.
'I was speaking to Luke!' Tia replied I think she thought that she was offending him.
'Maybe but surely you should refer to him as Luke not boys , girls Dumbass!' Kyana said sharply and Luke smiled

Luke P.O.V
She actually stuck up for me! No one has ever stuck up for me like that before . I was so happy

Lowri P.O.V

'Excuse me but I didn't ask for your input?!'
Courtney said.

'Well we didn't really ask for you to turn your fake faces towards us , so please turn around your making this love story seem more like a horror one!' I said it so stubbornly I hate thier guts.


Haha whatever really that's the best she could do! They both turned around and walked away down to the front as far away from us a possible thank cheese.

'Thanks for sticking up for us guys?' That's the first time I've heard Calum speak for since dinner time and even then he hardly ever spoke.

The film just started and it was really upsetting that It brought a tear to my eye.
'Are you okay?' Ashton asked so gentlemen like.
'Yeah I'm fine it's just a little sad because my grandparents passed away due to cancer'.
'Oh.' With that he wrapped his arm around me and squeezed me as tight as possible like nothing could hurt me as long as he is around.

Jessica P.O.V

'Calum?' I asked
'Umm....... do you think that Ashton likes Lowri?' I wondered
'I'm not sure but he does speak about her a lot?'
'Oh because if u tell u something do you promise you won't say anything?'
'I pinky promise'
'Okay we'll I think he does because the way he looks at her with that spark in his eye is the way that my grandad looks and my gran. and I also know something else?'
'Lowri like him she has like him since we came to the school in year 7 she saw him in assembly and at that moment as said she felt so happy her heart could burst, but do you promise you won't tell...... Anyone?!'

Ashton P.O.V

I jut cuddled her I didn't now what else to do. I like her so much. Since I saw her at the first time in assembly. I felt so happy around her even though I never really have a proper conversation with her all I say is hi and smile and she does the same back. but I don't want to confess why would she like a drumming loser like me?Tia and Courtney actually thought that we liked them. Why would we like them? Their bitchy and abnoxious like why?

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