Meeting him

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(Y/N)= Your name
(Y/E/C)= Your Eye Color
(Y/H/C)= Hair color
(F/M)= Favorite Meal

Time of day: Night time after campers got to bed

I was on my way to Camp Campbell to help out with the camp! I pulled into the camp and saw someone next to David. He looked so much like him, but really hot. He had Blonde hair, Baby blue eyes, and he wore a outfit in white. He was just beautiful and handsome. I felt my face heat up. 'Fuck! I can't have anyone see me like this!' I thought in embarrassment.

I just tried to act like nothing happened. It was hard. I opened the car door and got out. "Hello (Y/N)!" David called from over by the Mess hall. The blonde dude next to him gave me a warm smile, I smiled back. David walked over to me and shoke my hand as the guy followed. "Welcome to Camp Campbell! This is Daniel! My other co-counselor!" He greeted. 'Daniel, huh? What a hot name for a hot guy!' I thought as blush spreaded across my face. "H-hi Daniel!" I stuttered like an Idiot. "Hello (Y/N)." He said to me. I almost died at this point. I just chuckled awkwardly. Daniel reached his hand out to shake mine. I touched my hand out to his.

Daniel's POV
This new counselor was adorable. He/She looked Handsome/Beautiful! His/Her looks amaze me. I saw (Y/N)'s face turn read as i shoke his/her hand. It was adorable. "Awww" I accidentally awed out loud. His/her face turned even more red. He/she let go of mt hand and awkwardly coughed. I just smiled at him/her. "So! Why don't we go get some food!" David suggested as he jumped with excitement. "Sure!" I said as all three of us walked to the Mess Hall.

When we got in the Mess Hall, we all sat down at the table. "Alright, what do you two want to eat?" He asked me and (Y/N). "I'll go with (F/M)." (Y/N) said. David nodded and looked at me. "I'm up for anything." I shrugged. He smiled and got up to make food. (Cause screw the courter master)
(Y/N) and I where in a awkward silence. "So..." I started. "What did you come here for?" I asked as he/she looked at me with a smile on his/her face. "I came here to help counsel! Of course I'm another co-coucounselor!" He/She replied. I smiled and looked at the table. "That's nice of you." I somewhat softly said. (Y/N) smiled and patted me back. "That's who I am!" He/she giggled. A smirk was drawn on my face.

Hell, I know this chapter is short but FUCK IT! Also Is it okay with yoh guys  if I put a Lemon chapter in this? I would do a male chapter and female chapter separately.

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