-pinkgirl joined the chat
-BlueBullet joined the chat
BlueBullet: Hello Stephanie!
pinkgirl: Ironic name Sportacus! I like it
BlueBullet: I like yours too
pinkgirl: Thanks!
pinkgirl: Robbie's being a rotten turnup again
BlueBullet: That isn't very nice Steph
-NumberOne has joined the chat
NumberOne: Say that to my face wise ass
BlueBullet: Robbie language!
NumberOne: *winks gayly*
BlueBullet: Why Robert... just why?
pinkgirl: Awww love birds!
NumberOne: Shut up child
BlueBullet: both of you apologize to each other, now >:(
pinkgirl: sorry Robbie
-NumberOne has changed his name to IDon'tReallyMeanItButIDon'tReallyMeanItBut: Sorry
-IDon'tReallyMeanItBut has changed his name to RobbieRotten
BlueBullet: Oh common Robbie! Be sincere. Please?
RobbieRotten: Make me-BlueButtet has changed his name to PersonWhoWILLKickRobbiesButt
RobbieRotten: I am sincerely sorry Stephanie.
-PersonWhoWILLKickRobbiesButt has changed his name to SpeedySportie
SpeedySportie: I'm going for a run, cya!-SpeedySportie is now offline
-pinkgirl is now offline
-RobbieRotten is now offine
Sportarobbie - Messages (lemon)
FanfictionWhen the pages say chapters then that's irl for then but if it says text it's not.