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Hello, new reader!

Let me introduce the author. He is Souryadipta "Rik" Majumdar, a person who loves to talk in the third person. When he first read "World War Z" in as a 14-year-old, he fell into the deep rabbit hole of modern-day zombie fiction. Now, some years later, he has taken it upon himself to take the best elements of each major titles, and churn them into something scarier than the undead. No, I'm not kidding, this book is so horrible, that it's scary.

He would like to thank his parents, friends, and all other well-wishers, without whom the chapters would be uploaded much faster. Just kidding, he knows you guys rock!

But who he really would like to thank is the writers who made this possible. Max Brooks, Chris Philbrook, Jonathan Marberry, JL Bourne, Manel Loureiro, JT Sawyer, MR Carey, Isaac Marion, Brian Keene, and Richard Matheson, you are the reason he felt able to write on zombies. If any of you are reading this, he thanks you from the bottom of his heart.

"Life After Undeath" is loosely based on Souryadipta's life, with his limited experience. So, if there is something lacking in the story, please point it out. He will try to address the problem, and deliver a richer experience.

Well, enough of this introduction stuff, no one actually reads this anyway. So swipe ahead, into the true meat of the story.

Happy reading!

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