Chapter 1

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I hopped out of my taxi and was greeted by a boy and a girl who looked like they just graduated. The boy unloaded all of my things onto a trolley, except for my laptop case that I had on my shoulder.

"Hello, I'm Kimmy! Welcome to Barden University! What dorm?" She asked.

"Tri Hall." I said.

"Tri Hall Suites or Tri Hall Regular?"

"Tri Hall Suites."

"Ok, your going to walk all the way down this walkway and turn left. Once you get to the..."

I tuned her out and focused on the campus. There were six dorms, twenty different structures for classes, and a quad for studying. I saw a field over in the distance that looked like it had a bunch of people and tents.

Weird, most people don't arrive until the end of the week according to Greg. I thought.

"And here's your official BU rape whistle. Don't blow it unless it's actually happening." She warned.

I grabbed the whistle from her and stuck it in my pocket. I followed Jack, the boy with my things, over to Tri Hall. I walked up to the front desk and got my room number and key. Jack followed me as I walked to the elevators. We walked to walk in until the people exited, leaving it empty for us.

I wondered down the halls until I found room number 568. I unlocked the door and Jack unloaded my things from the trolley. When he finished, he winked at me and put a piece of paper down on my desk before leaving.

"Ew." I said, noticing that the paper had his number on it.

"I'd stay away from Jack if I were you. I've heard he's the biggest man-whore that ever graduated from here." Someone behind me said, "I'm Becca by the way."

"Alexis, but I prefer Alex." I smiled.

"Cool, well I have to go meet my boyfriend so I'll see you later, Alex."

"See ya."

I collapsed on my bed and sighed. I finally got the energy to unpack after a little while. When I was done, I grabbed my laptop and laid down on my bed. I logged onto my Hulu Plus account and started to watch one of my favorite shows, Misfits. After watching five episodes, I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to someone playing their stereo too loud. I got up and fixed my pjs. They consisted of a black tanktop with a silver eighth note on it and white booty shorts with black music notes all over them. I tiredly walked into the hallway and to the door where the music was coming from.

I knew there was no party going on because if there was one, people would be everywhere. I knocked on the door and waited for someone to open the door. I heard someone tell something before the door opened.

"Hey." A boy with black glasses and dark skin greeted.

"Hey, um, could you please turn your music down, I'm trying to sleep down the hall?" I asked trying to be considerate.

"Sorry, I didn't know it was that loud. I was going to turn it off anyway, I was going to watch The Croods."

"Oh my god, I've never seen that movie, I've always wanted to though!" I said, my face lighting up.

"Wanna watch with me?"

"I'd love to! If it's ok with you." I said shyly, embarrassed that I acted like a child in front of him.

"Sure, come on in." He smiled and opened his door far enough for me to walk in.

I walked in and sat on the couch while he put the dvd in. He sat next to me and grabbed the remote from the coffee table in front of us. He played the movie and grabbed a bowl of popcorn that was sitting on the table beside the couch.

Loving an Aca-Boy ~ Donald WalshWhere stories live. Discover now