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Red's POV

Me, Jumper, ElectroDymamix, and Geometric walk through to park talking about the demons we were trying to complete.

"I died at 87% and it was painful" Said Jumper with a hint of annoyance in his voice. I look ahead and see Track, Mad, and Blast playing on the the jump rings. I turned to Jumper but he didn't notice, he was still ranting about the fails he had on Nine Circles.

As we get closer to them I hear Blast say "If I put a orange one here then another here, you will go about 5 icons into the air" Mad looks impressed as Blast finishes his statement with "Process that"

"Hey im gonna go experiment with jump pads," Jumper says, "Wanna join" Electro and Geometric agrees.

"What about you, Red?" Jumper asks.

"Sorry ViPriN wanted me to meet up with him, I'll catch up with you later. Good luck with Nine Circles" I say before running towards Mad and the others.

"Hi Blast! Hi Mad! Hi Track!" I greeted them. "Hi Red!" The say together.

Blast's POV

This was perfect, Red wasn't afraid of anything.

"Hey Red will you test something for us?" I ask very sweetly hoping he will say yes. "Okay what is it?" He asks. I pointed to the group of jump rings I set up. Two orange and one yellow.

"Please? Mad doesn't know how to use more than one at a time and Track is too scared" I say trying to convince him. "But what about you?" He questions. I didn't have an answer.

"I'll try it if you try it with me" he says while copying and pasting the rings. I nodded. "3....2....1..." I hit the two orange rings, launching me high into the air then the last yellow one. I could see the whole park for a second before I came falling back down landing on my feet.

"That was fun!" I say. "I know!" He agrees. "I WANNA TRY" Track yells and jumps on the rings, screams, falls, and does it again. She suddenly stops and hids in a corner by the default blocks. "Back on Track why are you hidin-" I start to say but I was interrupted by saying "Hey Blast!"

I turn to see Electro, Geometric, and.... Jumper. I look at Jumper then back at Track. She puts a finger to her lips signaling me to be quiet. I wave to them. "Who were you talking to?" Geometric asks. "Back on Track" I reply.

Jumpers eyes lit up. "Back on Track? Track is here?" He asks hopefully.

Jumpers POV

Blast nods and points to a corner by some blocks. I walk over and see Track curled up covered in some of the blocks. It was actually kinda cute. "Track?" I said confused. "Help Im stuck" I barely heard her say quietly from under the blocks. I moved some blocks off of her then grabbed her hand and pulls her up.

"Thanks" she says. I look into her hazel eyes and she looks into my dark purple eyes. I realize I was still holding her hand so I let go and look at the ground hoping she won't see my blushing face.

Electro notices and pulls me to the side. "You should ask Track out" she suggested. I shake my head because Im too shy. "Yes. And I'll help you."

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