{26} Las Angelas

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I rest my head against the window of the car. I see the city lights ahead of us and they look amazing. "Hey, babe look" said Niall tapping me on the shoulder. "Yeah" I look at him and he points towards the window.

I gasp and out my head out the window, the wind blew in my face and my hair galloped with it like horses. "Wow this is amazing" I smiled and put my hand in air. There were skyscrapers, neon lights and the lights shinned on the ocean and made a sparkling effect.

"Wow!" Said Cadence looking at the skyscraper. "That is big!" Her eyes followed the skyscraper. "Welcome to Las Angelas" smirked Niall.

Niall, Cadence and I stay at a motel along with the 1D and 5sos boys, and of course the girls. "Hey huge family here" said the lady behind the reception desk. "We arn't a family, we're just extremly close friends" said Luke.

"Yeah, thats a good way to put it" I chuckled. We intruduce ourselves and the lady lets us all share the same floor, but different rooms. Harry and Gemma in room A11, Luke, Micheal and Calum in room A12, unfornantly they don't have girlfriends at the moment so they had to share a room together, but of course different beds.

Grace, Jess and Ashton in room A13, Ella, Oliver and Louis in A14, Zayn, Perrie and Avery in room A15 , and Niall, Cadence and I in room A16. "Wow check this out!" Cadence ran up to a leather couch and jumped on it. "Look at our veiw!" I chuckled a bit, from our living room we had a huge glass window that over looked the city.

"This is amazing" smiled Niall. Cadence began to rub her eyes and yawn. "Well, bedtime for you" Niall crossed his arms. "No!" Frowned Cadence. "Yes! It's almost ten o'clock at night" Niall picked Cadence up and took her to her room.

She had a small single bed and she also had a veiw that over looked the city. "But daddy, I'm not tired" she wined. "If you where not tired, you wouldn't be yawn and have bags under your eyes" Niall tucked Cadence into bed and kissed her on the head.

"Goodnight CC" Niall said queitly.

"Goodnight daddy" Cadence said sleepily.

"Daddy!" Cadence wines. Niall sighs and turns around. "Yes baby girl" he said.

"I Love You" she said adorably, I couldn't help myself but naww.

"I Love You Too Cadence, you'll always be my baby girl" Niall gave Cadence another quick kiss on the head.

"You'll always be the best daddy in the world" she exclaimed.

Niall smiled and turned the light off. "Now, you come with me my lady" Niall lifted me up and carried me to our room. "What are you going to do with me?" I asked him pushing him against the wall.

"Nothing, just show you much I love you" she started to make out with me. "I'm really tired" I sighed stratching the back of Niall's neck. "Same here" he yawns and kisses my forehead.

During the night, Niall keeps snoring and tossing and turning, it was a nightmare. "Niall" I moaned. He was in a deep sleep. He moved over towards me and started snoring in my face, his breathe smelt like doritos and cola.

He looked so adorable, I couldn't help but kiss his lips. "I Love You" I whispered. I put my arms around him and nuzzled my head into his chest. He started to kick me and punch me in his sleep.

I slapped him across the face and he woke up, he glanced at me and I started to giggle like a four year old. "And why was it nessersery for you to slap me?" He chuckled. "Because you kept kicking and punching me, you little shit" I patted him on the cheek.

He kissed my hand and brought my body closer to his. "I Love You" he whispered against my forehead. "I Love You Too" I whispered into his chest.

The following morning, I went out with the girls for morning tea while the boys stayed back and baby sat the kids.

"Oh my god, the cutest thing happened last night, Cadence went to bed and before she fell asleep she said to Niall, I love you daddy you'll always be the best dad, it was so gorgeous" I explained. "Naaawww" the girls said at the same time.

"Cadence and Niall have a bond, I can see it" said Ella. "I can see it to, it just drives me crazy because Niall doesn't realize he has that bond with her, he only relizes that he loves her and shes going to be his daughter for the rest of his life" I bit my lip and push my hair behind my ear.

"He will relizes one day, you wait and see" said Perrie taking a bite out of her bacon and egg sandwitch. "Everytime I see Cadence, I look at her and just say wow! She looks so much like Niall" Gemma nodded her head.

"I know right, they're literally twins" I cover my mouth and let out a small cough. "Ashton is probably having trouble back at the motel with Jess" Grace rolled her eyes.

"Most likely" said Perrie. Jess is a sweet kid, but she doesn't listen and she thinks she knows what she's doing, but actually she doesn't.

I look in the corner of my eye and see a paparazzi taking photos of us. "Hey, theres a paparazzi behind the bush" I piped up. Gemma looked over at the bush and saw a man with a camera.

"Wait!" Ella's eyes widen.

"What?" Frowned Perrie.

"Paparazzi's take photos of us and put them in magazines and sometimes on T.V and there is someone after us trying to kill us and they could read the magazine or T.V and come to Las Angelas to track us down" explained Ella.

Shit, she was right, the killer can track us down and kill us.

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