Not So Mainstream... Liam X Scott'sSister!OC

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Heads up! I do most of my stories in a first person POV unless I am asked to do otherwise! Also, my friend suggested that I do a short choice-based, interactive story with stats like the game, would you guys want something like that? That being said...enjoy!

I sat down in the lunch room with my crush, Liam, and Scott, who was unknowingly annoying Liam with his incessant cheering.

I love Scott to death, I'm his sister, so I support him more than any member of the pack, but I wouldn't be wrong if I said I inherited the brains. No one said werewolves had to be jocks and dumb, so here I am!


How his own caterwauling doesn't even bother his own hypersensitive ears goes way beyond me. It looks like saving Liam would be the best thing to do...

"Hey, Scott, coach wanted to talk to you about some new exercises, something about squats," I lied, "I'll catch you during gym."

"Awesome! Coach has been trying to get us all hyped up for championships, he knows I love squats! Thanks, sis!" Scott flashed us a big grin.

"Thanks, Kiara, I know the whole vampires vs. werewolves thing is so mainstream, but sometimes your brother just can't let me take a good food pic in peace," Liam sighed irritably.

"I know...come to think of it, isn't that why you hang out with me? To dodge those dumb stereotypes," I said thoughtfully.

"I guess you could say that...among other things..." Liam said that last part lowly.

"What were you saying?" I asked.

"Oh...n-nothing..." Liam looked away, and I could've sworn I had seen his pale, purple cheeks tint pink.

"Oh come you know how lame that is?" I gave Liam my best puppy dog eyes, they always worked on the pack, and some other people, I nearly got Vera to cave with this look once.

Liam's cheeks turned a darker shade of pink as he looked away.

"A werewolf begging is so mainstream..." Liam mumbled lowly, folding his arms over his chest.

"I only resort to it if I feel like I really have to, and I want to know why you're blushing. Come on, what was so embarrassing?" I asked.

"Erm...I said..." Liam seemed stumped on whether he should tell me or not.

"Fine, Liam, I guess I shouldn't be pushy...I guess that's kinda mainstream too, huh?" I chuckled, "besides, I'm starting to sound as persistent as Scott."

"Like he could use the word persistent," Liam snorted, "and please, you're so not mainstream."

"Hey, he's still my brother, only I can pick on him," I pouted, "Scott's just a big, lovable fuzzball."

"Sorry about that, I forget you two are related... he's not that bad, I just wish he knew when to back off," Liam said.

"Don't we all," I chuckled, "try living with him."

"Oh god, is the rest of the pack like that?" Liam seemed nearly horrified.

"Mostly the guys, and actually about half the girls," I rolled my eyes, before smiling lightly, "we're all like family though."

"We should watch a movie tonight," Liam suddenly spoke, making me look at him a bit questionably.

"I-I mean...I just heard of this new, independent film that just came out today, not many people know about it," Liam blushed a bit, "I thought you'd maybe want to see it with me?"

"Sure!" I smiled brightly.

"Great, see you tonight," I could've sworn I saw Liam smiling at his feet, he seemed so adorkable!

I couldn't wait for tonight!

Later that evening~

I had knocked on Liam's door I don't know why I felt so jittery, maybe the full moon was around the corner...

Liam opened the door before fixing his glasses onto the bridge of his nose.

"Oh, hey..." Liam said, "come on in..."

I bit my lip as I stepped in, before Liam and I sat next to each other.

Liam and I were watching the movie in comfortable silence, before I began to feel tired.

I had leaned my head gently against Liam's shoulder, before feeling him tense.

I titled me face up to look at him, "S-sorry...I'm just getting tired."

Liam went to look down at me, and I blushed at our closeness.

Liam's face seemed alight, his eyes continuously moved around, avoiding eye contact.

"K-kissing is just so mainstream...just so you know..." Liam blushed.

"If you think about it...kissing someone who's never kissed anyone isn't really mainstream since no one has kissed know what I mean?" I smiled a bit.

"Have you ever kissed anyone?" Liam asked.

"No..." I admitted shyly.

"Then this isn't mainstream," Liam leaned in and kissed me.

I kissed back gently, shyly...I have no idea what I'm doing, but I like it.

I felt his tongue on my lips, and I hesitantly opened my mouth, Liam deepened the kiss as he held me closer.

We both pulled away as Liam gave me an almost adoring look.

"I...this is going to sound cheesy...I love you, so much, Kiara," Liam said, a blush painting his face.

"I was waiting for you to say that, you dork," I laughed lightly as I caught my breath.

"So...w-what now?" Liam asked.

"Well, You've dated a girl, haven't you?" I smirked, "Unless dating a female werewolf is too mainstream?"

"You're not so mainstream..." Liam said with a brighter blush.

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