Day 1

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It was cold. I forgot to bring a sweater which was strange for me. I rubbed my arms trying to make the goosebumps go away but shivers continued to run through me.

Oh I forgot to introduce myself! I'm Zack, I'm 17 years old, a natural born Aries, and I'm into gaming and cosplay. But the most important thing about me is something not everyone knows, nor would I like them to know... I'm gay.


I don't really remember when I figured that it, it just sort of happened when I went over to my friends house and I accidentally fell on him, that's when I noticed how hot he was. I've never thought that same thing about girls before so I just decided at that age that I would never date one. I mean don't get me wrong girls are great but relationship wise, they're probably a hassle 😞.

Now back to the cold.

I was waiting for the bus to come pick me up. I was in my last year of high school. I know scary right? And I was hoping that I might finish it off with a bang somehow. I didn't really care what, as long as it made me regret less about high school.

"Finally!" I quickly sat down and relished the warmth radiating from the heater above me.

School that day seemed to go by fast... sadly. My friends were getting together for a little gaming party. I'm pretty sure they knew I wouldn't be able to resist, looking back.

I wasn't really looking forward to it because I was going to a strangers house. But my friends said that we've actually been to a Con together and I must not have been able to remember. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

I was stuck with car duty that day. All my friends banged against the walls and ceiling of my van. But I guess I couldn't complain. I was glad my friends enjoyed my loud music, hehe yep! But you didn't take me as a rocker dude?

I bet your wondering why I didn't take my van to school, well it's simple actually. I sit next to this really hot dude and he swears by his mother that he's straight af but I think I could make anyone gay if I tried.

"Alright we're here!" Turning of the car and the radio caused a few groans of disappointment. We all stepped out and made our way up to the front porch. It was pouring! We were all soaking when we made it to the kids front door.

Apparently the guy was a year younger than us but pretty cool. He had the most PCs so most gaming nights were at his house. This was the first time I was invited to one so I really didn't know what to expect.

The house was huge though! I'm very sure it was a mansion! When we were all hidden beneath the protection of the porch I realized I'd left my book in the car. There was no way I was going into someone's house without another means of distraction or defense. I've been told that when I read I become super unapproachable looking.

I told the guys and they said they'd be setting up. I tried to run a bit faster so they wouldn't have to wait long and I didn't want to get even more soaked then I had to. I quickly slid open the door grabbed the book and ran towards the house. Protecting the book with my green hoodie.

"Why's the front yard so fucking massive?!!" It took forever to get back to the house and by that time I was completely soaked. Blonde locks fell into my eyes and curled against my face. I was cold again, and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball. This is not the best way to introduce yourself to a new person Zack...

Swinging open the door I pretty much stumbled inside. I slammed the door shut behind me and moved the hair out of my face.

(POV CHANGE! To who I wonder 😏.)

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