RE: ruby, is that you?

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441-029-3391: hey is this ruby?

you: yea. who's this?

441-029-3391: josh from physics class

(josh has been added as a contact)

you: oh i think you have the wrong person. i don't take physics.

josh: really?

you: yea

josh: okay sorry bye

you: bye

(read at 11:23pm)

Josh was looking for Ruby Lee - Ruby cute-hair-cute-eyes-the-only-person-in-the-world-to-be-creditted-with-a-cute-nose - in all likelihood. She was the only other girl in the grade named Ruby, unless he was hooking up with some inhuman Notre Dame Ruby (one of the private schools in city - Notre Dame Catholic had the highest percentage of threatening-looking rich girls.) You only acknowledged each other in passing; it was enough to be friendly, but not enough for him to leave anything other than a, have a great summer, in your yearbook.

You remembered that time you kissed Ruby Lee during a game of truth of dare. She smelled like spearmint and fire and Ryan dated-his-cousin Diller pulled you aside at the end of the game, forcefully whispering in your ear, "God, you're lucky as fuck, Ruby."

So long story short, yes, you kind of liked Josh (kind of as in kind of) and yeah, you actually did take physics, but so did the other Ruby. It doesn't take a formula to calculate the odds. Josh was a flight risk. You were solid weight.

Although, it does kind of suck that three days later you learn from Maria (your best friend) that Josh actually was looking for you. He found your jacket.


ok so im writing in my basement and i think the fumes might be helping my creative juices flow or they might be slowly killing me who knows lol

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