The end

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stop. I need you. stop.

That's what he last sent me. The last text message ever. After a few hours, he died.

I remember the day like a fresh green patch after the rain. He was my first boyfriend. The only best friend, (after my dead cat of course) I ever had.

I had just finished studying and was taking a break when he sent me the text. I wasn't feeling well and decided to reply him later. I fell asleep while he waited for my reply.
A few hours later, I woke up feeling weird. I couldn't help but feel something was really off. My mum walked into the room and said, "Jackson's in the hospital."
I don't remember falling. But minutes later I'm on the ground, gasping for air. I remember my mum trying to soothe me. But then again, she could never help me calm down. So I left.
I was underage so I hailed a cab and rushed to the hospital.
I remember running to the reception all panicked. I remember running up the stairs two at a time. I ran at full speed till I was inside his room. And then, I just stood.
Every second seemed to slow down.
I saw him lying on the ugly bed, eyes closed. A soft smile on his lips. I remember wondering how much it must've hurt him to even smile.
I remember walking towards him. I remember feeling calm as hell.
I remember sitting by his side. I remember muttering his name, "Jackson." From the corner of my eye i remember seeing his parents leaving us alone.
"Jackson." I whisper his name again. This time he slowly opens his eyes and looks at me. I smile, take his hand and kiss his forehead lightly. "Hey baby." He rasps out, smiling still the same. "Shh..." I put my finger to his lips. That's when I realize, I'm not crying anymore. Tears slowly roll down his cheek. He motions with his hands that he wants to sit. I help him sit up, shifting the pillows to make him more comfortable.
"Okay?" He nods slightly, leaning on my shoulders.
I remember hugging and kissing him gently. Then him showing with his hands that he wants to lie down. So I shifted the pillows again. We laid down next to each other, getting into our old sleeping position. And everything around us seemed to be standing still. Both our tears had dried away.
The only sounds that could be heard were our soft breathing and the continuous beeping of the machines. Then, his final intake of breath.
When he died, he left me alone.
Alone in that room with that deafening silence.
Alone in the world with nothing but silence.


I haven't cried ever since that evening. I didn't cry at his funeral. It's like a part of me died with him. Maybe a part of me did die with him. Maybe that's why I hardly feel emotions. Maybe that's why I am who I am today.

 Maybe that's why I am who I am today

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