My Story, The Rebel's story.

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There is a world in which no one really knows their parents. They're not orphans, just nobody has parents. People only get to see their parents once a year, on The Gathering. And even then, if any personal information gets spilled then that parent is taken away in cuffs in front of their child. So no one wants to do that. In The City, which is where everyone under the age of 16 lives, people work. Kids who are older than 10 have jobs, like babysitting and trash patrol. If you don't do your job correctly or at all, people find you. Adults. In black masks. They take the kid away, to who knows where. It happened to my cousin, Ava. I never saw her again.

Once you reach age 16, you have to take The Test. The Test will tell you if you go to the city of Panem, Chicago, or the Republic.

Panem is the largest. It has 12 districts, that's all I know. Panem is very secretive. The people who go here end up looking worse than the others. Chicago, has 5 "factions". They seem to be more open with information, but I still don't know much. No one who goes there ever comes out, their lives become dedicated to their new place in society. In the Republic, people mostly go to the government. They get trained a lot in academics and get to live in a nice little apartment, while everyone else suffers. We never know what will happen to those people either. We just know that we have to do with this way of life because if we don't, then we we'll dissapear to who knows where.

The people who keep us here, are clever. They have the kids alone in a controlled environment. They keep all contact sealed off. We get instructions telling us how to do our jobs and thats it.

But, once we turn 16, it all ends. We go to the testing building or the adults in black masks get us their. Once there, there's no turning back. When your 16, say goodbye to all your friends, say I love you to your parents, clean that apartment of yours. You're not coming back.

My youngest sister is going to take the ter today. I miss her so much. I haven't seen her in two years. I know its a lost cause, but some small part of me wonder. Will she disappear, like Ava did during training? She's too innocent, too young to disppear. Too brave. Too much like me. But, if I made it through, she can make it through. I just hope she doesn't turn out to go to where I went. I hope she doesn't fail her test. Like I did. And belive me, no one wants that. No one.

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