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I just hate having to socialize. Everyone expects you to be polite and never say anything rude. I couldn't give a rats ass about what i say. I'm completely honest and people just don't seem to respect that. 

The snobs

God, how i hate having to talk to people who think they're all that. They're all like: oh my god!! I'm like so blonde and have the best hair ever!! It so beats your hair!! Hahahahahahaha

No... just no. I'm all like bitch please. I'm blonde to. You don't see me acting like i have a stick up my ass. I have some compassion and respect for others. 

Then there are those who act all rich and snobby. They're all like : HaHaHa. I have money which means i can buy stuff that i don't even need!  Hahaha I also eat food that looks like it came it out of a horses butt and smell like a dead raccoon! Hardie harharhar!!!

I dont know who in there right mind would eat or even come near that weird stuff.

The Creepers

These people are the ones who have no life and friends so they decide that they should bother and stalk someone else's.

I don't like to talk to these people because then they think its ok to keep talking to you about stuff that they would only know if they stalk every moment of your life. I've had my share of stalker/creepers. So far, i've managed to beat away half of them with a stick. The other half half have been beat away by one of my best friends. They're also really clingy and don't wanna leave you alone. Which sucks... a lot.

The Clingers

These are the people who just cling to you. You say one nice thing and next thing you know, they're in every moment of your life. I have a clingy best friend that i love to bits but she can be quite annoying.  But I stick with her because shes a nice and genuine person.

Clingy people also tend to get nosy and then try to get involved in your business. Its then really hard to avoid them and you resort to avoiding then at all costs.

Things I Absoulutly HateWhere stories live. Discover now