Like a Boss. (One Direction Fanfic)

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My name is Kara Douglas. A month ago, I was in a car crash. Whatever. Since then, I've been living with my Cousin; Josh. I'm 19 now, and he is 21. I moved in with him when my parents died. Yes, they died in the car accident. Although, I have my doubts that it was actually an ACCIDENT. But that's not the story.

We were on the way back to my Parents old house, becuase I had to pick up some things that I left there after moving to Josh's apartment in London.

About an hour drive later, we arrived at my parents house. The cunts didn't even think to leave it to me in their will. They left it to some homeless person foundation. Do they not care that I, Their own daughter, could be homeless? Apparentely not.

The house still remained the same as it was a month ago. The same fresh flower smell covered the halls, and the rooms were spotless. Obviously someone had been here to clean before the funeral. I quickly gathered a few items from my room that I would need, such as my Hair straightner, my teddy Tessa, My laptop, iPhone and Laptop chargers and my iPod Docking system. Josh and his mates had been round earlier and got my suitcases which my neighbour had packed. What? I Couldn't leave 19/20/21 year old boys pack my underwear.

Once the car was loaded with my things, we left. Josh lived in London so we would be driving for about 2 and a half hours, I think. It's a good thing I got on well with Josh, he was like a brother to me. If not, a 2 hour car ride would be a little awkward.. At least we don't have to face it alone. We had to pick up a few of his freinds at some gas station about half way there. Apparenltey their car broke down and the only other person they can call doesn't know their gone, and will they'll get in trouble if he finds out? I'm not sure, I wasn't really listening when Josh told me.. Oops.

I have to admit; being stuck in a car with Josh is quite entertaining. Nobody can cheer me up better than this dude... Well him and his friends. God, I love those dudes. After about an hour, we pulled up to a rotten Gas station. It smelled like pee, and wasn't much to look at either. I stepped out of the car, only to be thrown to the ground under a pile of boys.

''Elbow.. In.. Boob. Get elbow out of boob.'' I managed to choke out under a massive pile of boy.

''Lads, get off my baby cousin!'' Josh laughed, pulling me out from under them.

Once out, i flung myself at the boys, hugging them with all my might.

''I've missed you so much! And Josh, I'm not a baby. Im 19 for god sake!'' I laughed, Stepping back to see how my boys have changed over the last few 6 weeks.

''Kara! We missed you too babe. How you holding up?'' Liam, the so-called 'mature' one asked. I have no idea why directioners call him the sensible one.. He's one of the craziest guys I know.

''I'm fine. To be honest, I'm not even sad. They brought it on themselves and I'm surprised it hadn't happened earlier. '' I admitted, walking back over to the Black S.U.V.

''Yeah, We understand. Just know we're here to listen if you ever need a chat, Okay babe?'' Zayn asked,engulfing me in yet another hug.

''Thanks lads.'' I said, gently pulling away from Zayns grip. ''Louis!? Why are you so quiet? '' I screamed, jumping on my favourite Doncaster boy.



After a half an hour messing about at the sickening gas station, we left for London. I was sitting in the back between Haz and Lou, and Zayn and Niall were infront of us, almost asleep. Liam was in the passenger seat giving directions to Josh, who was driving.

''Okay, would you rather eat an elephants toenail, or lick Paul's sweaty armpit?'' Harry, being the immature boy he is, asked Louis.

''Was Paul's armpit hairy, or cleanly shaven?'' Louis, the even more immature boy, replied to Harry.

''GUYS! Enough with the disgusting questions, I'll be sick.'' I chuckled, resting my head on Harry's shoulder, while Louis rested his head on my shoulder, and Harry rested his on the window.

''Sorry Kar.'' They choursed, at the same time.

''How could I stay mad at you two?'' I laughed, closing my eyes, and letting sleep overtake me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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