get to know me

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lmao so i've been gone for a long ass time (don't @ me) and i decided to fill out some little question thingys so you guys can get to know me all over again

1) kaelynn 2) 693) smoljeon and y'know other people that aren't on this app (-gonerJimin deserves an honorable mention) 4) taken my dudes (shocking right?) 5) 2 holes in each ear 6) lip ring, tongue piercing, belly button and maybe nose 7) none :,...

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1) kaelynn
2) 69
3) smoljeon and y'know other people that aren't on this app (-gonerJimin deserves an honorable mention)
4) taken my dudes (shocking right?)
5) 2 holes in each ear
6) lip ring, tongue piercing, belly button and maybe nose
7) none :,)
8) one on my left ring finger that says McComack with the second C as a crescent moon, a tiny heart on my right pinky, one behind my ear that says "tired," a rose on my collarbone, one going down the side of my wrist that says "12:37" and then something that i always say (haven't figured it out yet) going down the side of my other wrist
9) uh
10) heartless- bc one of my friends said i seemed "heartless" sometimes and i thought that was interesting since no one has ever said that about me
min- bc my babe min yoongi
11) hm probably chase atlantic
12) princess and the frog boi
13) "sexy. or, alternatively, self-sufficient, reliable, and charismatic" - my friend alex
14) mY bOdY- stomach, thighs, arms, height etc. (cue that vine of those girls chanting "i hate, my body. i hate, my body")
15) my eyes
16) dead lol
17) probably pigging out on junk food, staying up super late talking about everything we like about each other to other random ass topics, watching hella movies and falling asleep in the other persons lap while they play video games
18) alriGHT *whips out a whole list*
- when people repeat themselves
- when people have bad hygiene
- when people automatically assume i'm a bitch just bc of how i come off and don't bother to get to know me and instantly hate me
- lmao
- racist people/anti-lgbt people
- solo stans/sasaeng fans
- whenever people only stan idols bc they think they're cute or have good bodies, and don't appreciate their music or how much effort they put into their work
- whenever i get talked over/interrupted
19) aHeM
- whenever people smell good (don't geT ME STARTED ON BOYS COLOGNE HOOOOOLY-)
- oversized clothes that make people look small
- some things other people see as a flaw (like a crooked tooth, or when one eye is bigger/smaller than the other, scars, crooked/uneven smiles, or minhyuKS UNEVEN BLINKS SHDGDGF OHMYGOD I CRI)
- chubby cheeks sgfgfhgf
- big/plump lips
- sharp jawlines like lmao let me slice my finger on that shit real quick
- funny people
- jokes that are so bad you can't help but laugh
- spicy ramen
20) frogs. frogs bitch, frogs.
21) just school in general. like, do you know how fucking hard it is for me to sit in a stuffy classroom in an uncomfortable desk trapped in a room with people i'm forced to see 5 days a week and hear a teacher drone on about a subject i have no interest in for 45 minutes to an hour. really???
22) *cracks knuckles* lets go bitch
(this isn't necessarily just things i like in a guy, more so just things i like in anyone kind of like,,,, turn ons i guess?)
- huMOR. like bitch, make me laugh and i'll makeout with you (jk jk jk)
- when they play with my hair (cue me drooling)
- WHEN 👏🏼 YOU 👏🏼 SMELL 👏🏼 GOOD 👏🏼
- if you can handle my attitude and not take what i say personally
- when i tell you to shut up and you say make me (hA hA wInK wOnK)
- freckles
- if you down to just lay in my room with me and listen to music all day while we just chill in bed and talk about shit together wOOOO
- but also being down to go on random ass adventures like driving through the city at night, or going to the store at like, 3 in the morning, or going to some random ass park and eating in the grass in the middle of the day
- physical contact
- likE yES put your hand on my thigh, hold my hand, lay your head on my shoulder yES
- if you got cold hands or just a cold body in general, that's great for me cause my body is constantly warm and i got warm hands
- speakiNG OF HANDS
- wOo hands are great. like, rough, scarred, veiny hanDS WITH A RING OH MY-

- SMTH LIKE THAT OH FUCK ME UP (s/o to you if you know whose hand that is lmao) - someone whose got a resting bitch face like me so we can be that intimidating couple together ya feel me? - deeP ASS RASPY VOICES- certain clothes like, big hoodies/...

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- SMTH LIKE THAT OH FUCK ME UP (s/o to you if you know whose hand that is lmao)
- someone whose got a resting bitch face like me so we can be that intimidating couple together ya feel me?
- certain clothes like, big hoodies/a t-shirt and ripped jeans with rings and a bracelet or a necklace with a hat or sum shit
- basically someone i can vibe with constantly
23) hands. and muscular thighs. and deep raspy voices. and whenever you got an intimidating/confident aura surrounding you. - and tattooS AND PIERCINGS
24) bad hygiene. super bubbly and happy all the time (like bro calm down, some of us are depressed susan.) always having to go out somewhere public and not wanting to just chill inside sometimes. constantly talking about yourself/changing the subject to yourself
25) mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell
26) "balance" -zhang yixing
27) y'all i hate myself so much pFT
28) has brown hair, has big thighs and a 6 pack of rolls, kinda annoying, loud, has a resting bitch face, can be hella rude, has an attitude, owns like,,, 7 cats, lives in over sized shirts/hoodies and shorts with socks, and i hate this person cause it's me lmao
29) uh, a couple months ago whenever i fucked up my knee really badly during dance and had to be carried to my car cause i couldn't walk
30) personality- bc if you have an awful or dull personality, it doesn't matter how beautiful or amazing your face is, it's not going to make me want to spend time with you.

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