A Boy's Melancholic Day

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Caution: What you are about to read is a fan fiction of the pairing OkiKagu of Gintama (Okita Sougo and Kagura). If you do not like them at all, then I suggest that you go faaar away, but it's fine with me, too, if you would like to explore the other shipped couples in Gintama.

This fan fiction also contains mild curse words, fluff, and OOC. This fan fiction is a drabble, made by the author Miserareta's boredom and as a devotion to the Sadist of this story that has had his birthday just yesterday. (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, OKITA-KUN! <3)

Disclaimer: Gintama and its characters are of Sorachi-sensei, and not mine.


Okita stared expressionlessly at the Vice-Commander of the Shinsengumi, watching his mouth barely move as nonsense made its way out of his tobacco-glazed lips. Every syllable that rang across the room pissed him off. Suddenly, he had this itch to grab his standard-license Shinsengumi bazooka and fire unwittingly at the scene in front of him—this boring-ass daily meeting that's so normal he could just as easily write what happens down on a piece of paper without blinking.

Normally, he wouldn't get infuriated by his droning superior, since he would simply bring to light something, or light something, like a bomb, perhaps, to make things in the Shinsengumi quarters much more interesting.  

But not today.

Today, he would just wait for something interesting to happen, something that would make his blood rush and his heart beat faster...something exciting.

It is after all, his birthday.

Yes, it is the eighth of July, the supposedly annual celebration of his coming into this world, but what is this he sees? The boring daily routine given by the boring superiors to his boring co-workers.

And Kondo-san even gave him such a beautiful task for him this day.

Toilet duty.

His stoic demeanor cracked bit by bit, letting his anger flash through, but he held himself back a little...

...after he threw the katana of the one seated beside him towards Hijikata.

'Now, now.' He thought to himself. 'You made a scene, again.'

Hijikata's face darkened.

"Sougo, you bastard..." He growled, grabbing the katana to hurl back at the Sadist, but stopped midway, seeing that the brunette had left already.


                There was no way he would stay in such a dry place, but it was fun, seeing that pissed-off look on the face of the mayo-loving Commander, before he took off without a word.

                Scoffing slightly, he went to the nearest convenience store to buy a bottle of Tabasco.

                Grabbing the Tabasco bottle, Okita strode to the counter, but was blocked by a familiar, lazy, perm-headed, middle-aged guy, who was busy arguing with the cashier.

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