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~There once was a teenage couple, the girl Madison, and the boy Tyler. They had been together forever, everyone thought they would grow old together, everyone wanted what they had. On a normal day, a normal night, a normal movie date everything that everyone thought was to be, everything Madison thought was to be what he planned...shattered.

~Walking back from the end of a perfect night at the movies Madison stops walking, and turns to Tyler.

"The movie was great, but I've had something on my mind for awhile."

"What?" *Grabs Madison's hand and smiles*

"I don't know how to tell you?"

"You can tell me anything."

".... I love you."

"I love you too. That's what was bothering you? You know I love you. And to prove how much I love you, I have something to tell you....-I want to spend-"

"I'm pregnant..."


"I'm pregnant."

"You can't be!!"

"Well I am!! I've known for a week, but I've been waiting to tell you...'' ''I thought you would be happy?"


"Because!! Your going be a father...if you like it or not, the baby's yours!"

"I love you, and I want kids, but I didn't think this soon."

""Well it is this soon!!"

"I can't do this...I'm sorry, I love you, but this is way to soon, I can't..I'm done.

~Tyler walks away not saying another word, not knowing it could be his last that could save her.

Madison sits on a near bench, crying her eyes out, and after an hour she calls her mom. When her mom shows up, she tells her mom about the break up, but nothing about the pregnancy, and her mom tries to comfort her as much as possible. When they get home, she goes straight to the upstairs bathroom. Her mom explains it to her father, and they sit at the kitchen table wondering what went wrong that night. After about 20 minutes of waiting for her to come back downstairs, her mother goes up to the door and sees there's water coming out from under the door.

"Madison? Are you okay?"

She knocks on the door.

"Honey? Is everything okay"

She opens the door and looks arund the door, sees the shattwered mirror and runs towards the shower, door open, water pouring out, and looks inside and sees Madison, cuts all over her wrists legs, everywhere, blood mixing with the water in dark red swirls.


She jumps in the shower and picks her head up, slapping her, trying to make her baby girl answer her.

"Help!! Help me!!"

Her father runs up the stairs and storms into the doorway.

"What happened?!?"

"It's Madison, she's bleeding, call 911!! Please!! Hurry!!"

Her father runs downstairs and calls 911. Five minutes later an ambulance shows up and her father points upstairs to the open door and falls on his knees. They find her mother hugging her, rocking her back and forth, crying in the shower.

"Ma'am, ma'am we need to get her to the hospital... Ma'am please let her go!!"

After getting Madison from her mother's grip they put her on a stretcher and rush her to the ambulance.

Her mother and father, to emotional to drive, get a ride with a nearby neighbor that ran over to the screaming.

After trying everything to revive Madison, she was pronounced dead at 9:36 pm Friday, March 13. Finding out she was with child, her mother and father, grew even more hysterical from loosing not only their only child, but their only grandchild.

Relatives notified, plans made friends family, and Tyler, show up five days later for the funeral of Madison Crystal Marks. Making a show with his own mother and father, Tyler walks into the funeral home. Black suit, white rose in hand, he walks over to the open coffin and places it on her chest, near her heart, the heart he broke, and her stomach, the stomach that once held his unborn baby, that never got a chance. After paying his respects, him, his father, and mother leave the home.

Driving home, Tyler thinks of the night he ruined everything, lost the one he loved and what he didn't know would be his only chance of love, his only chance of his own family. Monday morning, he walks into his high school, head held down, eyes on him, not only feeling sorry for him, but missing the girl that used to walk by him, hand in hand, both smiling. The day dragging by, and everywhere he turns he sees a picture of Madison and him..with words, written with care under the photos, mourning, the lose of a fellow student, classmate, friend, daughter, and what now everyone knows, a mother.

Getting in his car, Tyler lays his head in the palms of his hands, knowing he ruined his life, Madison's, and his own child's. Driving home, eyes foggy. Tyler looses control of his car, running it off the road, swerving, his car flips. Tyler, who was to emotionally wrecked to put on a seat belt, is thrown from his car. When a car finally drives by and sees the car, they stop their car and run to see if everything was okay. The ambulance arrives and lifts him on a stretcher and brings him to the hospital.

Injuries to bad to recover from Tyler died in a hospital bed, three days later, alone, gripping the ring he once was going to give Madison, when he almost said he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, never getting the chance to say it because she announced the pregnancy.

Five days later the town mourned yet another lose.

This goes to show what love, pressure, and depession can do to people. If you love someone, no matter what happens, never let them go, you will find it to be the hardest thing you will ever deal with.

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None of this is true! Names are from two friends(who are still alive!)! 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2012 ⏰

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