My fate is to end up alone.
Even when I have someone near..
Someone who says they love me.
Someone who can look past my faults.My fate is to be unhappy.
Even when I am joyful in the moment
Even if I have the man I love..
Just right there.. just out of my grasp.My fate is to be alone and unhappy
I can't move on from my past..
I am not allowed to.. they won't let me.
So I'll just be lonely and depressedYou, my dear, has made me so happy
I can not end up with you.. for reasons..
I am not in control of my life..
I love you but we can not..My fate has said that we're not perfect.
Even though we see no faults
Even though we love each other
It is not enough.. the risk is too great..2 little humans are more important
I am sorry my fate has done this to us.
We were so happy together
But that is gone.. and over..To my love..