4. The box

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I've been laying on my bed for two long hours now not saying a word since I got home. My mum has done my room so my draws are up and my bedside table too. My tv is still on the floor waiting for my room to be decorated. I roll over onto my stomach and pick my phone up.

First day was shit! There's Stupid red haired bitch that's annoying the hell out of me..and she's got a super hot boyfriend! I've played nice so far but this girl is pushing my buttons.


I wonder what Jess is doing right now, I have a think she's probably round Aaron's house with the gang studying for our English exam on Friday. I sigh. I should be there not here. My phone pings and I grab it quickly to read her message.

That sucks! Tell that bitch to back the hell down! And how hot is this boyfriend? seems like she doesn't deserve him. You've got this! She doesn't know who she's messing with.

I laugh to myself.

He's hot, like Aaron hot. Say hi to me ;) and I promised my mum that I'd behave at this school

I was never a naughty kid, I just liked to stick up for myself and that's what got me into trouble and my foul mouth.

Oh that sucks! She don't know what she's doing messing with city kids haha. If I was there I'd have your back! Maybe I'll come down next weekend? Show me around the country side.

I smile. I'd love Jess to come and stay the weekend. I need my friends here.

Perfect! I message back.

I decide to scroll through Facebook to kill time and notice I have a friend request. I open my my requests and Louis profile picture pops up. His profile picture is of him and her. I wonder how much this will annoy red bitch.

Accept. We will find out.

I decide to finally leave the compounds of my bedroom and wonder around the house properly since I haven't yet.

I've more or less seen upstairs so I decide to snoop around downstairs. The kitchen is large with a huge island in the middle all dressed up in my mums fancy plates and boring pictures of fruits. I head to the dining room which isn't complete yet, our new table is yet to be delivered so it's pretty bare. The front room is set up with our sofa and big love chairs with our television sitting on the stand. A big fluffy rug in the middle of the room which Pebbles has claimed as her own.

She meows when she sees me and comes up for a stroke. She likes it here loads of room to explore safely than London. Believe it or not she's been hit by a car seven times in her life she's now eleven. I guess cats really do have nine lives.

I walk into a second sitting room which has our piano in the corner along with a small sofa in front of an old fire place. Above the fire place is a large picture of George when he was a new born. My mum had new born shoots for both of us mine is in the other room. I look at the tiny baby I've never met but get hold a lot of love for. I decide to sit down and play for a little while it's the only escape I have through music.

"Stunning" I hear a voice as I end my song, I look round and my mum is standing in the door way. I close the lid on the piano and turn round on the stool.

"Thanks" I rest my hands in my lap.

"Would you like to talk about today?" She walks in and sits on the sofa.

"Not really, just a normal shit first day I guess. Tomorrow will be better" I stand up and head to the door.

I hear my mum sigh "it will get better, I know this a big change for you. But I'm always here for you. Would you like me to talk to your teacher?"

I stop and turn to her "nope, no definitely don't do that" I really don't need her going into my school and getting the teachers to keep a eye on me. That will definitely set red bitch up for non stop teasing. I can just picture it now.

"Hmm ok, but remember I will" she stands and pulls me close.

"Mum I can handle some jumped up country prick" she holds my shoulder and stands back.

"I still don't like your choice of words, that's not very lady like" she frowns at me.

I take her hands off my shoulder and hold them "I never claimed to be a lady" I smirk and walk away.

"Holly!" I hear her and just know she's rolling her eyes at me. I laugh and walk out the room.

I walk into a storage room it's small and has all our Christmas decorations in it and a few odd boxes that no one knew what to do with. I decide to walk up stairs again and walk to the last bedroom which I've now called the cold room. I notice that just round the corner is a small door maybe I missed this yesterday. I open the door and am greeted with stairs winding up to the roof. This must be the attic. I walk the stairs slowly as they are creaking much more than I'd like under my weight.

I grab my phone and turn the torch on to help me navigate up the stairs. I reach the top and yes I'm right a large attic. It's mostly empty apart from a few old boxes right at the back. I head over and kneel down to investigate. I open a few and they are old books nothing exciting a few classics and a few car manuals. There are a few more boxes one had a few teddies in which are smelly and dirty. Another box has paper work, it's old so it's hard to make out what it says but It doesn't seem important or exciting enough for me to try and work out.

I get to the last box and open it up and all that's in there is a small wooden box I lift it out, it's pretty light so there can't be much in there. I place it down and open it, or try to. I look at the front and it's locked with a padlock. My eyes light up, this is what the key is for!


I wonder what's in here, I grab the box and hurry downstairs into my room where the key is in my bedroom draws. I shut my door and get over to my bed and settle down. This better be good I think to myself. I take the small key and turn it into the lock and the padlock pops open.
I take a breath preparing myself to find some exciting stuff.

I open the box and I see loads of folded up paper..great. I look disappointed. I take the folded paper out and have a look at them, I scan over the writing and take a moment to take in what I'm reading.

Oh. My. God. My heart has broken into a million shattering pieces.


Hey! How is everyone finding the story so far?
What do you think Holly has found in the box?

Please comment and let me know your thoughts!


Can you love a ghost? // H.S✔️Where stories live. Discover now