1. SMUT! It's disgusting, sting and I don't like it. If anyone do that disgusting thing, the book will be delete it. Forever. FOREVER!
2. Please control your characters only. I hate it, if someone do that. And also it's make soooo😠😡😤😬ANGRY!😈
3. No God mode allow. Like Godzilla. And also Godzilla is a OP character. It's ANNOYING! If someone do that.
4. Hate the character, but not the readers or RP players.
5. Try to role play in 3rd person. For example: "Hello my dear girlfriend Moon😃" Qibli said as walk towards to her
"Ow! Hello Qibli" Moon look at him and smiled a bit
6. Try not to curse. 'Cause some people don't like it. But, if you still want to do it, then I suggest you blind it with this ****
7. No kill without permission.
8. Group role play is allowed.
9. Don't jump into other people's comment without their or my permission.(Rules may update, if it goes something wrong or bad)