Always upon a twisted time

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*Hello welcome to my story
Dear Damian.

This is your professor asking you for your immediate attention and response.

As you have probably come across in most news articles, there has been  major increase in sightings of the werewolves nearer to lowly populated forests and country side based villages. Due to this I would simply ask of you to come and accompany me to find evidence that these creatures are the dangerous, monsters they truly are and prove their existence to the world. As soon as you receive this letter announce your arrival as soon as possible and fly over back to England.

From  . S. F

Damian immediately flipped over the letter once he scanned his eyes over the rushed and jutted writing. He was so glad his Father never wrote any more than he needed to when he wrote these things since it would be harder to reply as immediately as his over-expecting Father always imagined. He sighed as he searched the quickest airplanes and their departure times plus prices. The one thing that Damian really hated about his Dad was that he never thought that maybe continuously flying from Japan to England was pricey and despite having a very well paid job Damian still held hope that his own family would maybe think that paying would be thought of as a kind deed. Once he had checked and booked for the quickest flight for the next day he then set to packing.

Sitting on the plane the next day made Damian begin to think whether they were actually gonna find evidence or not this time and if the trip was actually going  to be worth it. For some reason Damian's father was set on finding and proving that werewolves exist and are dangerous. As well as that was fixated on having his son help him on these so called missions despite Damian saying on multiple occasions that he didn't care anymore. To be honest he stopped caring a while ago, to him it did not matter if they exist or not since those big dogs had not really been a problem to the human kind for a while now.

"Oh Werewolves are real Damian and they dont like being called dogs" Fali said. Fali was Damian's voice inside his head which insists on being called Fali. Fali also had a supreme amount of alleged knowledge about werewolves despite being a voice in Damian's head. Damian had always wanted to find out about werewolves his whole life however he had never had the chance.

At about 10 o'clock Damian got off of the Meer Airlines Aeroplane, breathing in a massive amount of air into his lungs and stretched his legs. He began scanning the crowd of bustling people with suitcases trailing behind them like dogs. Damian suddenly caught the smell of his father, the strong scent of his hometown wafted in the air like a path leading him to his dad. Damian didn't know why but ever since he had been small he had, had the impeccable sense of smell and sight,like most of his senses had been enhanced.
"Hello Father!" Damian exclaimed once he had pushed through the stuffy and suffocating crowd of travellers. His father swiveled around a smile plastered on his face as he run up to hug his precious son.
"I haven't seen you in a year my lad how has it been?" Scorpio, Damian's father, sighed patting his son firmly on the back causing Damian to lurch forward. Unlike his father Damian was weaker and had a very feeble physic and submissive demeanor. However where he lacked in strength he made up with intelligence, he likes to speak his opinion and most of his feeling regardless of its affect on the listener.
"Come on son, let's get going, those treacherous monsters won't catch themselves!" Scorpio exclaimed grabbing and dragging Damian out of the airport through the parking lot till he reached the Jeep.

After slumping his bag into the boot beside the multiple traps and cameras, Damian joined his father in the car. The journey was awkward once the few common grounds of conversation had been walked and the lack of surroundings made it hard to create a long and interesting topic to converse over. As they carried on during he silence was becoming suffocating as a result of being so thick.
"Hey da..." Damian begun before this father interrupted him.
"We are here!" Scorpio exclaimed as he pulled the Jeep into a driveway of a small cabin. It was a sweet cabin, made of mahogany and had two separate buildings to either side for what he assumed to be the bedrooms.

Once he had unpacked Damian sighed as he placed the last item on his chest of drawers. It was a picture of his friends Til, Bil and Wil with Damian in the middle, they had been his best friends even after he moved and despite living in back in England they still managed to stay as close. He missed them, maybe he would get to see them again.

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