Chapter 14, the truth hurts

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"This is nice" Edward whispered in my ear. It was a Saturday evening and the house was unusually quiet. Carlisle was at work, he'd been working double shif'ts the past couple of week's, and we hadn't seen him much. Jasper, Alice, Rose and Emmett had all gone hunting and wouldn't be back until tomorrow. Esme was out working in the garden, the weather had been relatively bright the past couple of days so she hadn't had much chance to get outside. Jake and Renesmee had gone out for his birthday celebration, so me and Edward had the house to ourselves for a while. We were currently curled up tight in the living room chair, we could have easily used the sofa, but it didn't seem as intimate.  

"Yes," I agreed "this is just perfect"  

Suddenly, Edward sat bolt up right in his chair, head tilted slightly toward's the door,  

"Edward? What's wrong?" I asked panicking  

"I knew this was a bad idea" he growled shaking his head. At that moment the front door flew open and a crying Renesmee flew through it, followed by Jacob.  

"NESS!!" Jacob shouted "PLEASE JUST TALK TO ME" he begged, reaching out to grab her hand. I flew off of Edward's lap instantly and was at her side in less than a second,  

"LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screamed back at him, shaking her arm so he'd let go, and running up the stairs, 

"Nessie?" I called, before turning back to Jacob "What the hell happened?" I demanded. Jacob opened his mouth to answer me but was cut off by Edward,  

"I warned you didn't I? I told you to take it easy!" he growled, moving closer to Jake with every word he spoke,  

"I- I'm sorry" Jacob was mumbling "But I didn't expect her to react like that!" he gestured to the stairs where Renesmee had now disappeared from. Not getting any answer's from either of them I ran up the stairs, reaching Nessie's door just as she slammed it shut.

"Nessie?" I called, as I knocked on the door "Can I come in? What's wrong?" I could still hear Edward and Jacob arguing downstair's.  

"GO AWAY!" she screamed through the shut door  

"I can't do that Ness! I responded "Not until you tell me what's wrong" a second later her bedroom door flew open  

"HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME MOM?!" she screamed at me, tear's flowing down her cheek.  

"Ness, calm down sweetheart and tell me what's happened"  

"I'M HIS IMPRINT?" she sobbed "HOW COULD YOU NOT TELL ME THAT?" I could see the anger coursing through her body. Now it made sense, Jacob had told her the truth. But why was she so upset? She'd told me herself that she wanted to be with Jake,  

"OK, Ness, calm down and we can talk" I soothed, walking into her bedroom and shutting the door behind me. I guided her by her hand and sat down on her bed beside her. "Take a few deep breath's" I told her. I watched as she did as she was asked, her breathing quickly slowed down to an almost normal rate. She hung her head in her hand's and quickly composed herself. Once she looked up at me again, I continued "What happened Ness?",  

She reached over and touched her hand to my face, replaying the scene from earlier that evening.

Jacob and Nessie were sat in the Park, enjoying the dim evening light. Jacob turned to look at her, "Nessie, there's something I need to tell you" he began, she looked at him confused "Well- Ness - the thing is" he stuttered causing Nessie to laugh,  

"Come on Jake, spit it out, You're making me nervous" she laughed,  

"Well- the thing is Ness, I kind of- Imprinted on you" he choked out,  

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