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Sunlight hit the pink room which was full of toys, arranged beautifully. Little Elsa woke up when the warm rays of the sun hit her. She was fully aware that her mom would come looking for her sooner or later and so she decided to wake up.

She picked her teddy bear which was next to her before climbing down her bed. She ran her eyes through her parents' bedroom before heading down to the kitchen, where she assumed her mother was.

"I want milk.", she announced to her mother.

"Baby, why are you up so early?", her mother asked as soon as she caught sight of her six year old who stood behind her in a cute little pink dress, hugging her favourite toy.

"I want milk.", she said again.

"Come on little girl, you need to brush your teeth before that." ,her mother reminded her.

"Milk.", said the stubborn child yet again.

"Brush first.", Who was the six year old fighting? Her own mother, from where Elsa had inherited her stubborn streak. Right now both mom and daughter were fighting tooth and nail to prove their point.

"Dada", That was the next thing she said before running off to find her dad.

Daddy's little girl, that was her. Her mom always complained that because of him she would end up being a spoilt brat.

She first went to her parents' room and ensured that her dad wasn't there before she went to his study.

Her dad sat facing his laptop and she stood behind his chair.

"Dad", she called.

"Yeah tell me.", he said back.

"Mom wants me to brush before drinking milk.", she complained in a tone that always worked with him while she was against her mother.

"You should definitely do that.", he said not even turning around to face her. That was unusual and she knew it.

"Dadaaa....", she whined.

"Listen to me, it would be good if you did that.", he said again which made the six year old roll her eyes behind her dad's back.

"Dad, don't you love me?", she asked, now sad from his previous replies.

"No, not at all. Believe me."

That was the limit for the little girl. She ran from the room, closing the door behind her, unaware of the fact that her dad was talking to his employee over the internet.

".....It would be better if you could follow your boss without protesting too much...', he continued his call unaware of the catastrophe he unknowingly vested upon himself.

This was one of the rare situations were Elsa approached her mother. As she ran she noticed that her mom was still inside the kitchen. She went to her and wrapped her little arms around her mom's legs and started sobbing miserably.

"Sweetie, what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Daddy doesn't love me.", she said between her sobs.

"No darling, that is not true.", her mother said as she lifted her daughter and sat her on the counter.

"It is momma. He said that to me."

"No baby, it is surely a misunderstanding. Your daddy loves you and you know it."

"That's what I thought too. But he just told me that he doesn't. ", Elsa managed to say, her lips trembling.

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