That Singer, That Idol

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As usual, I receive postcards from my parents. Along with some of them are some photos. They are all smiling together, the three of them. The other daughter that they had adopted in my place, the daughter that they never could have, a healthy daughter. She's there, casually smiling. I'm envious of her. I wish that I was in her place instead, to be able to smile like her. Instead, it's nothing but an illusion.

"Azalea ?", a voice asked along with a knock on the door, "May I come in ?" Putting down the postcards, I looked at the closed door. "Yes", I replied softly. Opening the door, in came Marble. "So how are you today ?", she asked, entering the room with a small medicine tray. I looked at her and smiled. "Good", I replied. I watched her put down the tray on the nearby end table. "Did you eat already ?", I asked. She looked up from what she was doing and shook her head. "Not yet", she replied, "Why do you ask ?" "Eat with me", I requested, "Stay." Marble looked at me for a minute before smiling. "Could it be that you don't want to eat alone ?" I nodded my head. Walking over to my bed, she took a seat and patted my head. "Sure", she replied with her gentle smile, "I will." I reached over and hugged her. "Thank you", I mumbled. She hugged me back and continued to pat my head. "No problem", I heard her reply.

After eating with Marble, and after I had taken my medicine, she left to go do her other duties in the hospital. Staring out the window, I began to wonder how long it's been since I first came here. They detected my illness when I was at age five.... so I came here around 11 or 12 years ago. Right now, I'm sixteen years old. It's been a long time. When I came here, I was assigned two nurses to take care of me. Their names were Marble and Willow. Since I was going to be living in the hospital anyways, I thought about meeting other people, so I went around meeting the other patients who were around. As months went by, before I knew it, I already knew about just everybody in the hospital. But instead of considering them as "friends", I consider them more as "family". Even if it's just for a short time.

Getting up from my bed, I walked over to the other room to change my clothes. Since I was going to be living here, they decided to give me a bigger room than the usual size. There were at least two smaller rooms, and a small bathroom in this room. When you enter the room, at first, all you just see the usual looking hospital room, but if you went behind this curtain looking drape that looks like it's covering the back wall, behind it would be the bathroom, and the two other rooms. They aren't exactly separated by a wall, it's more like a single room. And inside that room, would be my wardrobe, holding all my clothes, my vanity, for a mirror, to hold any kind of accessories or make-up, two small-sized bookshelves, and a futon, if I wanted to sleep in there instead. And the best thing to this is that, only the hospital owner, Marble, Willow, and I know about the place. Which is good.

Walking into that room, the nostalgic scent got to me as usual. Opening my wardrobe, I looked around to see what I could wear. Peering out to the main room, I looked out the window to see what today's weather was like. It was sunny, and slightly breezy. A good day to wear some black knee length Cargo Capris, a somewhat loose blue shirt, some grey Converse, and a faded pink Azalea hair clip. Walking over to my vanity, I began working on my hair. I left it down and put it into a loose side braid. Opening one drawer for my make-up section, I only took out some mascara and used that. You see, I'm not really that big on make-up. When I was done changing, I walked out into the normal room and covered the secret room with the curtain again. Walking to my end table that was nearby my bed, I opened a drawer and took out my cell phone and room key. I put my phone in my pocket and hung the key around my neck on a chain that I had attached it to. Before leaving my room, I turned around to see if everything was neat and organized. Sighing, I closed the door behind me and locked it. 

 "Cynthia", I called out singing as I walked over to the front, a place where you'd go to check in for visits and whatnot. She looked up from the file cabinet and walked over to me, standing on the other side of the counter. "What is it ?", she sang back, a smile on her face. "I'm going to go out today", I said happily, "Can I go ?" She looked at me with an unsure look before looking through the files again. "Last time you went out on your own was.... just two days ago", she replied, "Do you really want to go out again ?" I nodded my head, not hesitating at all, "Yup." "Well....", she sighed while thinking about it, "If I let you go out, what time will you be back ?" "Well, if I'm not back by the expected time", I replied, pulling out my cell phone, "You can just call me on here." She gave in and grinned. "Alright", she said, "But be careful !" I reached over the counter and hugged her. "Thank you !", I said happily, "I will do so !" Before leaving, I did a salute and quickly ran off. "That girl", I heard her mutter, as I left. I grinned.

"Now, now", I mumbled, "I wonder where I should go first ?" The first place that came into my head was this daycare for little kids, a place where I would used to often go to help out. The second place to pop into my head was Autumn Park, a place full of beautifully shaped Maple trees, and a big lake known as Mirror Lake, a place where you were able to rent a boat and go boating around. Besides all those features, were those of regular parks, such as the picnic area and stuff. "Maybe I should cut through the park, and then go to the daycare ?", I asked myself. While proceeding to think about my choice, I happened to run into someone unexpectedly. 

"Who ?", I asked, looking up from the ground to see who I had ran into. They were across from me, also on the ground, probably confused. "I- I'm so sorry !", I said, quickly crawling to their side. While he had a hand on his head, probably from the pain of bumping into me, I realized that I had ran into a boy my age. "What was that for ?", I heard him mutter. "I- I'm so sorry !!!!!", I said in a guilty tone, "I didn't mean to !" When he looked up, I realized that he, for some reason, looked oddly familiar. A guy with silky black hair... and blue eyes. Closing my eyes and shaking my head, I looked at him to make sure that what I was seeing was right. Blue eyes and black hair ? But it was strange. He was also wearing a hat and sunglasses when it wasn't even that sunny. I was just about to ask him if I knew him when a group of noisy people were nearby. "AHHHHHH Where did he go !????" "Quick ! Look for him !!!!" "I can't believe he ran so fast ! UUGGGGH Where !???" I looked at that direction, and then looked back to him. I titled my head, and he nodded his head. Ohhhh, so that's what was going on. He was running away. Reaching for his hand, I pulled him up and started leading him away from them. Since he didn't want to be around them, there was no point to keep him there right ?

Sometime around when we were finally away from the park, he asked me, "Why did you help me ?" I stopped walking and let go of his hand. "You see", I replied, clapping my hands together and smiling, "It looked like they were bothering you....? Or that you were just being followed ?" He seemed to grin at my words. "You're weird", he replied, somewhat laughing. "Eh !?", I said shocked, "Ah, well... not everyone is the same." He nodded in agreement. "Guess so", he replied. "So why are you being chased ?", I asked. He looked around before removing his sunglasses and hat. "Surprise ?", he said. I looked at him and tilted my head. "Haaaaaah....?" "You don't know who I am !?", he asked in surprise. I shook my head, grinning. "Nope." He reached over and pinched both my cheeks. "Don't just smile !", he said, "Just how ???" He began lecturing me about somethings...[I forgot what it was]. While he did so, all I could do was smile. At least I spent this day laughing.

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