Chapter 1

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Emma's POV
It was the first day of school.I awoke to the loud sound of my alarm buzzing throughout my room. I was about to switch the alarm off, when I accidentally rolled off my bed and hit the hard floor only to realise that I placed my phone on my desk instead of my bedside table. I did it to force myself to get out of bed.

I slowly stood up and grabbed my phone. As usual, my first instinct is to check all my notifications from social media. After that, I get ready for school and ate breakfast.

Not too long after that, I start making my way to school. The journey from my house to the local high school, Stratford High, is just a 15 minute walk from home. It was such a beautiful and warm morning. The birds that were perched on surounding trees were chirping. Squirrels were scattering amongst the trees.

Soon, I passed by the quaint shops and greeted the shopkeepers whom were standing in front of their respective shops. I stopped by one of the local bakeries and bought some pastries to eat during lunch. Then, I left the shop and continued my journey to school.

Upon reaching the school, students were walking into the school while chatting amongst their group of friends or just walking into the school by themselves.

A few minutes later, I finally reached my classroom. Most of the students were chatting with their friends while others were preparing for class. I settled down into my seat at the corner of the classroom and prepared for class. I checked my watch and saw that there's 10 minutes till class begins. In the meantime, I went up to my small group of friends and started chatting about the most random things.


The sound of the bell signals that class is about to start. Our Homeroom teacher was quick to enter the classroom so everyone scrambled to their assigned seats. When the teacher entered the classroom, an unknown student followed behind him.

"Good morning class. Today is such a wonderful day as all of you are receiving a new classmate. Please introduce yourself." said the teacher.

"Hello, my name is Noah and I've just moved here from the neighbouring town. It's a pleasure to meet all of you. I hope we can all get along well." said Noah. He looks just like your normal teen boy. He has hazel coloured hair, which is not even styled, emerald green eyes and of average height.

"Please take a seat next to the girl with the ponytail at the back." said the teacher. Noah took a seat next to the girl and the girl had already begun to converse with Noah. They look like they're having fun.

'Maybe I should go up to him too'. I thought. But knowing me, the introverted and shy me, I most likely would stay in my comfort zone and be with my circle of friends. Then, the teacher proceeds to take our attendance.


The sound of the bell rings again to signal the homeroom is over and English class will start.

A few minutes later, our English teacher enters the classroom and English begins. On that day, we discussed about an old folk's tale that was rumoured to be true. The tale was about a young and naïve boy who goes into the woods and finds a book on a tree stump deep in a forest. The boy opens the book to discover that it contained mystical powers. While flipping through the contents of the book, a bright light shines at him. He looks up and sees a bright doorway and sees a pot of gold and many other riches. Without any hesitation, he stepped into the door never to be seen again.

I've heard the story too many times and concluded it's unreal and fake. I can't believe it was rumoured to be true.

"Emma, do you mind telling the class your opinion about what probably happened in the doorway?" asked the English teacher. I wasn't in the mood to participate in class on that day so I told the teacher I had no clue. I sat back down on my sit and dozed off.

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