Katniss and Peeta Fan Fiction Alternate Ending

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Note:  A few months ago I started writing a story on what would happen if in between Catching Fire and Mockingjay the Capitol were to take Katniss out of the arena instead of Peeta…so what I am writing about is what would happen if the whole rebellion was turned around if when Haymitch and Plutarch broke into the arena they only got Peeta and President Snow reached Katniss instead. This is a world gone wrong for Panem because, as you find out in this story, President Snow makes a mutt out of Katniss’ mind and she says that the rebellion must stop which means that the Capitol would continue controlling the lives of everyone and continue the despicable Hunger Games.


All I could remember from the Quarter Quell was the explosion, Johanna digging into my arm with her knife and trying to knock me out then, my star that I found in the sky.  After that, everything went black and I felt alone and hopeless waiting for people to come to finish me off. Had they finished me off? Was I dead? Dead. Wait where was Peeta? Is he dead? My dying wish nearly impossible now.

            Suddenly, I felt myself breathing a breath in and a breath out. It was swift and clear… am I alive? I gently opened my eyes as confusion set into my mind. I found myself in a bright white concealed room as the light above me gently flickered. Then a voice from behind me began to take me back to reality.

            “Nice to see that you have awakened Miss Everdeen.” That voice, was too familiar as it ran through my spine and sent chills throughout my body. Then, the scent of blood and roses danced around the room as his voice slithered on the ss in Miss as though he were a snake.

President Snow.

            At first I am too speechless to say anything, but my first thought comes to mind. Peeta. What has he done with him? Now I know that Peeta is not dead but most likely being tortured at this moment. All that I can get from my brain to my mouth is “Peeta?”

            It was as though President Snow was waiting for that one word so he could laugh in my face about how my plan failed to save Peeta. Snow gives me a slight smirk as drops of blood drip through his broken smile and onto the ground as he walks over to the chair that I sit on in the corner of the room. Why does he do this? Just kill me and let Peeta go please…please I think to myself. President Snow’s next comment catches me off guard:

            “Why do you care for Peeta? After everything that he has done is a lie? Do you think that I believe you got married, that you are pregnant?” Snow’s voice turns from a calm creepy talk into a loud yell. “A rebellion has started! You have killed all of those people because you are reckless. I thought we had a deal Miss Everdeen that you would try… TRY your hardest to trick those people to convince them that the berries act was nothing but your love getting the best of you. And most of all Peeta never loved you, he never cared. He played you and now look, this was his plan all along. He wanted to be the victor of the 74th games but he couldn’t do it without you. When you pulled the berries out he thought you would swallow them then he could be the victor and go home to everyone even his real love Delly Cartwright. You were just an obstacle in his game, and now you’re mine.”

            I know Snow’s words aren’t true Peeta did love me…he did right? Snow just wants me to be tricked and be pulled into his evil scheme.  Although, Delly was Peeta’s childhood friend… I was the one he loved he always would love if I just knew where he was. “Peeta does love me, he always have no matter-“

            “How much you have lied to him? How repulsive and mad you are?” Those words stay in my head pounding against my brain. The words are true…but I just can’t pull them together they are foreign. I think of Peeta and I back at home in District 12… District 12! Gale and Madge, my mother and sweet little Prim do they have her? What have they done to her? I must ask Snow, but if for some reason he doesn’t have her he could quickly retrieve her from District 12 and bring her to use against me in just a blink of the eye. All that I can do is hope for Prim’s safety. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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Katniss and Peeta Fan Fiction Alternate EndingWhere stories live. Discover now