Chapter One☝

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Before we get started, I do not own any rights to harry potter the lovely Ms. J.K. Rowling does. I do not intend copyright.
And do not copy right my fanfic....Even though it sucks. Well on with the show...

It is currently 11:58 pm.
2 more minutes until my seventeenth birthday. Whoopee (sarcasm guys)! This will just mark another year without my parents, without a REAL family. I apparently didn't make dinner right so uncle Vernon roughed me up and threw me into my room if you can even call it that. I am now sporting two broken ribs a concussion and quite a few bruises, yay me. I can't wait until it hits midnight so I can leave this hellhole.
Gods I hate Dumbledore for making me come back year after year. Turns out those on the "light" are using me for my fame and money. Can you believe it? The only ones who were honestly my friend and clueless about the whole thing was Ron (well the whole weasley family except for Ginny), Kingsley, Neville, Dean, Semus, Luna, Remus, Tonks, and Sirius.
Hermione and Ginny went sodding mad when they found out that i'm gay. I didn't understand it until I overheard them talking to Dumblefuck about how Ginny wasn't gonna get her part of the deal and marry me. And on top of that Hermione said she couldn't pretend to be a faggots friend. Said it was bad enough being my friend as it was even with the payments. Well she can go kiss a sodding hippogriff. Me and Ron had a big fight over the ordeal and he ended up seeing reason and I realized he didn't know a damn thing about it.
It is now 11:59 pm 30 seconds and i'm outta here. 20. 10. 5 4 3 2... The clock strikes 12:00 am and all I can feel is excruciating pain. I cast a quick muffliato and scream at the top of my lungs. It feels worse than being hit with the cruciatus curse 10 times over. Then all of a sudden I succumb to darkness......

I open my eyes quickly regretting it with the sunlight pouring in. I sit up and feel this extra weight on my back. I look at my clock 6:27am good the two whales and the toothpick wont be up for another two hours. I stand up almost falling over due to this random weight on my back.
I quietly walk into the bathroom across the hall and I am surprised with the sight of jet black wings with random spots of silver. It takes me a minute to comprehend that these are my wings. Coming out of my back. They are about 6ft across and each wing almost touches the ground. I gently touch my left wing surprised when i feel very soft feathers. I shiver slightly at the sensitivity.
I also notice that my hair is now curly and at my waist with a silver highlights going from mid way down. My body is also a bit more feminine. Great bet the guy's will be hysterical about that. I've also dropped to the height of 5'5. My lips are now plump, no longer super thin. No complaining about that!! My right eye now consists of brown, blue, red, purple, and a small hint of white around the pupil. My left eye is green with random flecks of silver, black and a lot of flecks of purple, also with the white rim around the pupil.
Which leads me to another thing. I'm not wearing my glasses and I can see perfectly fine. Hallelujah to that! I quietly creep back into my "room" and start packing my trunk. In all this excitement I've forgotten all about my injuries. So I fix them with a quick flick of my wand. I grunt in pain as my ribs snap back together.
I'm almost done packing when an owl appears at my window. I unlatch my window and let the beautiful black owl in. I give it a treat and take the letter before it flies off.

Dear Harry,
It seems you have come into a creature inheritance. Please come to Gringotts to discuss heir ships and lordships. This letter is a port key activated by the password "galleon." Please show up at your earliest convenience.
Sincerely, Griphook.

I don't finish packing until 7:43 am. I shrink my trunk and put it in my pocket. I then grab the letter from Griphook and say "Galleons." As promised I show up at gringotts. I stumble a little and all of the goblins look at me. I get a little anxious and wrap my wings around myself. They practically coo at me. Can you believe It goblins cooing. At me. I walk up to a random goblin and stumble out "I'm h-here to s-see Griphook please." I mentally kick myself for showing how nervous I am. I just can't help it, i can smell the dominant rolling off of him. Wait what does that mean?
My thoughts are cut short when he replies "right this way Mr Potter." I nervously follow him into Griphook's office.
"Adorable isn't he Griphook!"
"Indeed he is"
I blush a bright red at their words.
"Thank you Thalamus, that will be all."
" Of course sir."
The goblin presumed to be Thalamus left the office with a kind smile my way.
" Lets not waste time with small talk and get down to business shall we?"
" Yes sir, and you can call me Harry."
"Alright then Harry, please prick your finger and put three drops on here."
I did as told and put three drops of blood on the parchment. I watched as words seemed to appear out of nowhere.
"Here you are Harry."
"Thank you sir."" I say grabbing the parchment. It stated...

Name: Hadrian James Potter
Parents: James Potter
Lily Evans-Potter.
Uncle: Tom Marvolo Riddle.
Godmother: Bellatrix Lestrange.
Godfathers : Sirius Black, Severus Snape.
Creature: Evy Dragon
Lord of all elements,animals, and magic itself.
Mate(s): Unknown
Heir ships: Riddle, Lestrange, Black, Lupin
Lordships: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Potter, Evans, peverell
Properties: Peverell estate,Potter estate, Evans estate, Hogwarts School of witchcraft and wizardry.
Magic (75% blocked)
Intelligence (50% blocked)
All done by Albus Dumbeldore.
Blind hatred for Draconis Malfoy.
Blind hatred for Tom Riddle
Blind hatred for Severus Snape
Blind hatred for Bellatrix Lestrange
Loyalty to Albus Dumbeldore ( worn off)
Loyalty to Hermione Granger (worn off)
Loyalty to Ginevera Weasley (worn off)
All administered by Albus Dumbeldore.

I was shocked to say the least. Everyone I've despised are the people I am supposed to have been trusting this whole time. Was Voldemort trying to kill me or take me home where I belong. All this time I could've had a family. I fell to my knees crying. Griphook put a comforting arm around me not knowing what else to do. I eventually managed to stop crying.
"Harry would you like the blocks and potions removed from your system?"
"Yes please" I said in a small voice.
" I must warn you it will be quite painful." he said with a worried tone.
" If i can survive my inheritance I can survive this."
"Alright. If you say so."
Griphook lead me to a room that was blocked off and had ancient ruins carved into the walls and flooring.
"Why are we here Griphook?"
"These ruins will keep you from going insane. You know from the pain and all."
"Drink this potion once I've left the room I will be just outside."
I did as instructed and waited for Griphook to leave the room. Bottoms up I think to myself as I drink the potion. I heavily underestimated the amount of pain that would be present. It is worse than my inheritance. So much worse I scream then black out.

-1313 words!!!

So first chapter.. What do you think?? Like comment vote and follow!! Oh and don't be afraid to correct me on grammar.

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