This Love Will Be My Downfall

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 I never thought that a guy like Vaughn Sawyer would actually look my way. As he stares into my twitching eyes (My eyes twitch when I’m nervous), I try to look away and act like I am interested in what my best friends are talking about.

“So, you mean the Bermuda Triangle is not haunted? What about those ships and aircrafts?” Quinnie asks. Yana nods her head then she replies a few seconds later with a very scientific answer.

“What do you think about this, Ione?”

Yes. My name is Daria Ione Easton. My initials are the letters:




My friends call me by my second name, Ione. It’s pronounced as “EYE-own-ee”. I don’t know how my parents came up with that but I’m sure that at that time, they weren’t feeling very creative.

“Uhh.. I don’t know.” I say, shrugging, stealing glances from Vaughn.

He is STILL staring at me.

“Oh my God! Vaughn Sawyer is toootally checking you out!” Quinnie exclaims. Yana’s mouth is in a shape of an o.

“As if!”

And this is where I disappear into thin air.

“Vaughn Tobias Sawyer would never, and I repeat, NEVER go out with a girl like YOU. He’d rather go with a girl like moi!” As I try to ignore this specimen that other people tend to call a human being. (Her name is Cornelia, by the way)I have to admit that she’s right. I can never stand a chance with Vaughn.

It’s not like I have a huge crush on him or anything.

“Leave us alone, Cornelia!” Quinnie tries to bitch-slap her but lucky for her, I save her life from eternal social suicide.

“How pathetic! You tried slapping me! You’ll be getting it!” Cornelia raises her right hand and slaps me. I touch my red,burning cheek. Everyone turns to look at us.

 I always wanted to be the center of attraction at some point, but not like this!

“What is going on here?” Great. Mr. Wright came just in time.

“She tried to slap me! Luckily, I had self-defense classes when I was young.” Cornelia that fake skank!

You can be the most honest person in the world but people will never believe you when it’s her word against yours.

“You two, my office, NOW.”

And so, this is the tragic ending of my social life.

Not that I have one but I was hoping that before I die, I had the chance to communicate with someone in the popular section school, particularly, Vaughn.

Mr. Wright is practically skipping like, I don’t know, a kangaroo?. If you were a gym teacher or a coach in our school and if you saw me trying to keep up with him, I probably looked like a galloping horse to you.

But that’s the least of my worries. Right now, I had to deal with Mr. Wright! Him! Of all professional people in this whole school, Him! He hates me!

Or at least I think he does.

He unlocks his office and enters. Her royal skank-ness goes in first and then I follow.

Cornelia and I sit on the couch and wait patiently for Mr. Wright to speak.

“I can’t believe you would try and slap her! Why did you do that?” He begins, sitting down, looking like a proud king, only he didn’t have any followers.

I’m the victim! She attacked me!

“I… Well..” But instead, these words came out.

“Detention for you Ms. Easton and for you Ms…” Mr. Wright states as he looks at Cornelia.

 “Crawford.” Cornelia answered with a fake smile that people actually find adorable. (it makes me vomit, just saying this) He writes down something and then hands it to me. I take it from his hand and look at it.

Detention. Friday. 4 pm. Woohoo.

“More practice hours for you! You’re slacking off! You shouldn’t let the whole student body down! As cheer-captain, and student body president, it’s very important of you to stay out of trouble.” Mr. Wright shoots me an evil glance. My eyes widen in surprise.

SEE? He hates me.

This whole world does anyway.

“Now go out, I have another appointment with Mr. Sawyer here. Apparently, his grades are sinking and I’m giving him detention to have him study his notes.” Mr. Wright gestures us to go out of the office.

Cornelia twists the knob and exits this prison and then shuts the door. Good for me, my face didn’t get squished.

“Are you alright?” Someone pulls the knob and looks at me, intently.


It is Vaughn.

“Good.” He smiles sweetly and then goes in to Mr. Wright’s office. I watch him as he closes the door.

He’s concerned!

And totally out of reach.

If only people like Vaughn liked people like good old Ione, then the world would be a better place and everything would be in harmony.

But sad to say, these things only happen in fairytales and in my case, this is a horror story of how I strive to live my meaningless life.

Well, at least I have detention to look forward to. It’s going to be fun, I can tell.

It’s going to be me, the silence of the room, the fine line between the jocks, trouble makers, nerds who try to be bad asses, cheerleaders and I and my never ending supply of homework.

I think I should get an award for getting this far in life.

As I try to make my way to the parking lot to meet my friends, a hand stops me.

It’s Vaughn.

“What’d you get in trouble for?” He asks.

“I thoughtlessly slapped your girlfriend.” I say.

“Girlfriend? Have you seen the way she acts? God, I would never date her.” He retorts. I smile at the thought of our common dislike in Cornelia.

“So, see you in detention!” He pats me on the shoulder and walks off towards the sports wing for lacrosse practice.

Who thought this could be one of the luckiest days of my life.

My life still sucks though, I still have my family to worry about and right now, I’m guessing Valorie is playing dress-up with my clothes and when I get home, I’m going to yell at her. Then get grounded for yelling at her but I’m going to do it anyway.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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