Rage (Harry styles Fanfic)

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Hailey's POV.

Today was my last day of my sophomore year of college. I'm happy and sad. I'm happy because this school year was one of my darkest times. I'm sad because I actually started to like school this year. So today is my first day of summer I guess.

As I get up out of warm comfy bed in my apartment I realize how lonely I am in here. I should really get some friends. I get in the shower and wash away last nights crying fest from my eyes.
As I get out and go to my room I pick out my outfit for the dreadful day. Black ripped skinny jeans and a plain white v-neck with black combat boots. Bright colors for summer right.
I realize I'm still a little hungover from the night before and decide to put on no makeup and sunglasses.
I grab my keys and go out the door but am soon stopped at the sight of boxes all over the place.
I peek my head around the corner. "Hello?" I asked grumbling knocking over a couple of boxes.
"Be careful with those idiot." A boy with dark locks pushed back off of his face says to me.
"Are you moving in?" I ask Rudely.
"What does it look like?" He said back smoothly.
"Looks like a douche standing in a door way to me." I smiled and walked away.
"What's your name smart mouth?" He yelled back at me.
"You don't wanna know me." I turned around and smirked.
I only had a couple of things to do this morning. I had to go see my brother, Louis. His apartment was all the way in Redmond so it was a little drive. As I drove I remembered my soon to be neighbor. He had piercing green eyes, olive skin, and tattoos all over his body. Very good looking if you ask me.
When I arrived at my brothers apartment I notice an unfamiliar car in the lot. Confused I went up the stairs and knocked on his door.
The door opened and there, there was a skinny blonde with nothing on but one of Louis's tee shirts.
"And you are?" She said while eyeing me up and down.
"His sister. Now get out of my way whore." I said scowling.
I pushed past her and saw louis crashed on the couch next to a bottle of Bourbon.
I looked by the door and assumed that the pink bag was the sluts shit. I walked over and picked it up and threw it at her.
"get out." I spit.
"Who the hell do you think you are telling me what to do." She shouted.
"Get the hell out of his apartment before I shove my fist down your throat." I demanded.
She picked up the bag and ran out of the door.
"Louis! Wake up!" I yelled walking over to him and shaking him.
"What the hell Alex!" He screamed.
"Oh please just wake up." I rolled my eyes.
"Where's my guest?" He asked
"You mean that skank?" I smirked.
"You kicked her out!" He yelled.
"You need to stop sleeping around!" I said.
"I'm not sleeping around I'm just improvising." He murmured
"Ever since Veronica left you've been a mess. All you do is drink and have sex." I yelled.
"Yeah yeah yeah I know but what am I supposed to do?" He asked.
"Get a job!" I suggested.
"Come live with me! Or even get a place in Seattle!" I said again.
"I'll think about it." He cooed.
"Ok well I'm gonna leave you to get cleaned up and think. Bye. Stay out of trouble."
"Says you. I can tell you're just getting off of a hangover." He said Turning serious.
"Don't worry about me. I'm perfectly fine." I smiled and walked out the door.

When I got home the guy from next door was leaning against the wall by his place.
"Hey do you by chance know how to pick a lock?" He asked with a smile.
"Locked yourself out?" I laughed. I've got you covered."
I pulled a bobby pin out of my bag and picked away. It jiggled and I opened it.
"Thank you so much." He smiled
"No problem." I smirked.
"Oh and I never got your name." He smiled. His dimple was showing and it distracted me for a few seconds before answering.
"Alex." I said with a smirk.
"And yours?" I asked.
"Harry." He smirked back.
"Well I better get going its late. Nice seeing you again." I smiled.
"Id like to talk more Alex" he smiled.
"Me too." I cooed walking in my apartment.
Harry's POV
"Grunge, nice body, hot..."
"That's it?" My best friend zayn laughed.
"I didn't see her face man! She looked like she was getting over a bad hangover. She had dark sunglasses on!" I shouted laughing.
"Well next time make sure to see her pretty little face k?" He said while taking a sip of his coffee.
"That's her." I said as I saw Hailey stride in to the coffee shop.
She had white ripped right skinny jeans on with a grey tee shirt and a leather jacket paired with black converse.
"That is not." Zayn said in aw.
"You live next door to that!" He practically screamed.
"If you don't get her then i probably will." He smirked.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2015 ⏰

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