Shoto Shu Komori

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Name: Shoto Shu Komori.
Kanji: しょと しゅ こもり

Pronunciation: Sho-to Shoe Ko-mori.
Laito- "Kyuti-Kun~" (Cutie-Kun)
Shuu- "Ongaku-Kun" (Music-Kun)
Reiji- "Gorudoai" (Goldeneye)
Yui- "Monsuta!" or "Tsumibukai Akuma!" (1: Monster) (2: Sinful Demon)
Ayato- "Suito-Kun" (Sweet-Kun)
Kanato- "Purinsukeki!" (Prince Cake)
Lucifer- "Jigoku no Oji" (Prince of hell)
Karlheinz- "Watashi no Oji" (My prince)
Saka and Shako- "Ototo no Oji" (Little brother prince.)
Servants- "Oji" (Prince)

Sign: Scorpio.

Birthday: October 31.
Age: 17 years-old.

Physical and Vital Statistics.

Race: Half Vampire, Half Tiger Demon.
Ethnicity: Swedish.

Gender: Male.
Height: 5'11.

Weight: 50kg.
Blood Type: A'B.

Eye colour: Soft red with a gold shade.
Hair colour/Style: Silver with light blue tints at the bottom. Hair nearly reaching to his shoulders but stopped by the end of his neck, Has his hair covering the right side of his face.

Professional Status

Occupation: Third-year student, Violinist, Vocal singer. 

Personal Status

Relatives: Lucifer- Alive- Foster father, Seiji- Alive- Uncle, Yui- Alive- older sister, Saka- Alive- Older Foster-sister, Shako- Alive- Older Foster-brother.
Hobbies: Listening to music, Practising playing the violin, Sleeping, Drinking pop (Such as Dr Pepper), Taking care of the plants, Singing, Roasting Yui.

Favourite food: Mac n cheese, Macaroons, Candyfloss, Tokoyoki, Sweets, 
Brief Biography: Shoto was abused and shunned out by the church because of his sexuality and because of him being half Demon. He met his foster father, Lucifer, after running away from the church. He meets his two favourite siblings as well, Saka and Shako.

Appearance: Shoto is a short, slender young man with his hair being a shade of silver with lighter blueish-white tips. It is almost an inch away from being shoulder length and it is covering his right side of his face. Shoto's eyes have rings around the outside, One side of the eyes is a pale red while the other is a gold.

His school uniform consists of the black uniform jacket over a grey hoodie which secretly has an mp3 stitched inside the hoodie to which he plugs his earphones in to listen to music, Under that is a greyish white dress-shirt which is unbuttoned a little with the black and white tie tied around his neck.

Personality: Apathetic and lazy, Shoto loves music and his brother and sister (Not Yui), He is always seen listening to music like Shu. He loves classical and other sorts of music. Shoto likes to be alone and secluded from everyone else as he is used to being alone it kind of made him addicted to the feeling of loneliness, But once you get to know him, He is loyal and loveable.

When Shoto is around Yui, He is cold and is always seen glaring at her or ignoring anything she has to say or do. Shoto loves his family a lot but not Yui as she just watched as the Church did horrible things to him, When he is angered and loses the temper he goes off to snap at Yui instead of the person who made him mad, (But its mostly Yui who makes him pissed off).

When around Shu, Shoto is quiet and sleepy. He is always seen sleeping with Shuu turning it into a habit and he cants sleep if Shu's not there. He gets along with Shu just great as Shoto shares the same passion for Music and quiet area's. He would do anything for Shu if he was hurt, ill or be hated on. Shu often askes Shoto to sing to him as it helps to sleep better than his music.

With Reiji, Shoto is well mannered and still kind of cold but slightly nicer to Reiji as he doesn't want to be lectured all day. Despite calling him table-wear Okaku He cares about Reiji as he knows Reiji's past. Shoto helps Reiji with taking care of his brothers and doing dinner.

Around Ayato, Shoto is funny and sarcastic. He uses his hate for Yui to make Ayato laugh, He likes to make Ayato laugh as he becomes best friends with him. Shoto is kind to him but when in a bad mood He is cold and glaring off into space. Shoto and Ayato get along well because of there love of Takoyaki and making fun of Yui.

When Laito is flirting with him he becomes easily flushed and surprisingly submissive, When in public he plays along and flirts back which makes the other brothers jealous of Laito. When in a good mood, and I mean very good mood. He messes with Laito by flirting and teasing but only on a VERY good mood. When in a bad mood he is often seen playing with Laito's hair, Don't know why but he really loves Laito's hair... Don't ask...

Shoto and Kanto surprisingly get along really well, He shares the same interest with sweets and shares some with Kanato. Kanato loves Shoto as he is kind and loving towards Kanato, Shoto likes how disturbed and child-like he is. Shoto spoils Kanato as he has a soft spot for the young boy.

Subaru... Shoto cares deeply for the so-called 'monster'. At whatever time he gets he hangs out with Subaru and helps him take care of the roses in the garden. Subaru secretly cares for Shoto as well as Shoto help him understand that he isn't a monster and that he is just a lonely boy without his mother. Shoto loves the way Subaru is Tsundere and teases him because of it.

Shoto cares way too much for Lucifer as he adopted Shoto at his time of need. Shoto would do anything for Lucifer but wouldn't kill anyone he cares about. Lucifer loves Shoto like his own son and would do anything to make him happy, One day he visits the Sakamaki brothers mansion just to see Shoto again.

Shoto loves his two foster sibling very much, Saka and Shako, He would try anything to make them happy and proud of him even though they are already proud and happy for him. If he and the twins got into a fight he would lock himself in his room for weeks or months then would try to apologise or goes that they forgot the fight.

Abilities: Teleportation, Swordsmanship, Flying (Only on a full moon), Inhuman Strength, Sensitive sense of smell, Really good hearing, Transforms into a tiger.

* Right-handed.
* Hates bitter food.
* Hates bugs.
* Loves animals.
* Loves music.
* Laito gives him a mini version of his fedora.
* Shu teaches him how to play the violin. 



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-(I'll explain Lucifer, Shako and Saka

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-(I'll explain Lucifer, Shako and Saka. Another time. Damn I am tired)-

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