Prologue: Hero

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" You'll NEVER be a hero- DEKU!"
A ash blonde haired boy named Katsuki Bakugou smiled evilly glaring down at a green broccoli haired boy
Named Izuku Midoriya

Bakugou raised his fist in the air
Aiming for little deku

" don't hurt him kacchan!!!" A girl voice echoed from behind him,

" we don't talk to him!!! He's a bully" Another girl whispered

Bakugou turned around and glared at the three girls

" Paris, Mae and Ania :) " he laughed
" y-your being mean katsu!!!!" Paris shouted at him
" oh great Paris!!" Ania facepalmed

Mae was a very quite girl, she had long dark hair and she had a baggy hoodie on, a flower centred in the middle.

Ania has Long blonde golden hair that shimmered in the sun, most people called her a goddess.

Paris was a brunette with big round glasses and, Cactus spikes coming from her skin, and a little pink flower on her head, her quirk was growing, like a plant

" why're you even here Molyneux?" One Of bakugou's ' Minions ' said laughing with his other minion friend

" I-I uh..."she mumbled trying to think off a reason, her glasses shining

Mae sighed " she doesn't want any trouble we're sorry bakugou."

Ania sighed " nice mae, now lets get outta here!!!" Ania grabbed Mae's tiny hand and ran off in the other direction towards some swings

" Paris Paris! Don't mess with bakug- MY GOD!" Ania turned to see Paris but nope, she couldn't touch Paris, her quirk would pierce her skin, so she just had to rely on Paris to go with them.

" You're just a plant!!! A little plant!!! No one will ever love you! No one will EVER hug you or kiss you or be with you ever!! You might as well be a villain!!!" bakugou shouted at the little girl

" M-Mmmmm bak-" she tried her hardest not try cry, recently it had been noticed that her quirk made her cry acidic tears, she didn't really want to hurt him

" Stop it kacchan! O-or I'll have to stop you myself!!!" Izuku stood in a heroic brave stance and raised his fists shaking

" Izuk—" Paris began, Ania and Mae now at her sides
" Paris you shouldn't have done that!" Mae scolded " you could've been killed!" The Blondes shining blue eyes were filled with worry.
" I-I'm fine..."

Bakugou and his minions attacked Izuku...
Ania and Mae tried to stop the minions and bakugou was just to dangerous to be around.

" stop it stop it please..." Paris sat on her knees and cried into her hands, trying not to get her tears on anything but her skin

This word wasn't fair, some people were born with amazing quirks that gave them amazing abilities and advantages, but others had no quirks, or quirks that only caused harm to others...

- present day -

But that was back then!! Today was a new day!!!
All the mean things people said about your quirk? Those things should only drive you to do more amazing things! And prove them wrong!! Everyone has the chance to become anything they wanna be!!

" hey! There's Izuku! He's running there must be a villain attacking!!!" Ania Pointed at the green haired boy that had blindly ran past the girls

" woah! C'mon let's go!!" Paris smiled running forward
" Woah!! Be carefu—-"

Paris had nearly tripped up onto someone, she stoped herself by throwing herself down " OW—"
" Watch where you're going Molyneux!!!" A loud voice shouted

" heh" a pink colour faded onto her pale cheeks

Ania rushed over and tried to help her up
So did Mae, avoiding the spikes.

" BAKA!!!" Mae shouted
" what do you see in bakugou?!?" Ania questioned in utter confusion

Paris shook her head " k-k-K-Kacchan!!!?!?" She inhaled and more blush became present
" oh my goodness he's kacchan " Ania laughed
" be careful you know he doesn't really like you anymore, not after primary " Mae wagged her finger like a angry mum

" I'm sorry... I just, he's so awesome— woah look at that villain!!!!"

Paris pointed up to a train track, a Shark looking villain screeched at the public

" woah!!! What a idiot!" Mae wheezed

Ania nodded " indeed ^^" the two girls laughed in amusement what a dumb villain.

" this is so awesome!! I bet all might will come and save the da— AHHHHH!!!"

The three girls screamed at once
" KAMUI WOODS!!!!!" They jumped up and down as they saw the wood hero kamui woods leap into action, even though he was a newbie he was really making a name for himself!!!

" I'll break you toothpick!!!!" The villain shouted

A few lines of dialogue came from kamuii's mouth before he was interrupted by a females voice

" WOAH!! Who's that?!?!?" Ania pointed

A large blonde lady kicked the villain in the face!!!


The crowd screeched and waved there hands in the air as they saw the new hero make her debut!!!

"hello everybody  I'm Mt.Lady, pleasure to make your ASSquaintance~" the hero known as Mt.Lady gave a flirtatious wink. To the now new fans.

The girls smiled at each other before heading to school

Mae went to a private school, she came from a hero family you see, Ice Breaker was her mother and Tornadude were her mom and dad!!! Lucky!! She didn't even have to do the exams for the UA entrance exam!!

Ania and Paris walked Mae to her school and smiled waving her off

" bye Mae! Have a good day!" Paris smiled intentionally rhyming.
" see you later Ma-" Aniya waved before being interrupted, a Limousine coming between them
" woah!!! Is that—"

A tall boy with half white half red hair walked out of the limo

His monochromatic eyes looked towards the girls and then Mae

" are these the friends you were talking about Vitales-chan?"

Aniya and Paris shouted fangirling

" ah yes they are " Mae smiled and began to walk inside with todo

Ania and Paris then resumed their walk for school

Ania nodded rapidly " I'm more scared than surprised!!! What if they date?!? As her friends we'll be in the newspapers to!!!"

" AHAHAHAHA!!! Don't worry girl!!!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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