chapter 1 she wants to be a werewolf

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Aph- mom do you think that I can get a permanent werewolf potion from Lucinda?

Aph's mom - sweety remember back in high school with kc.

Aph- but mom I liked being a werewolf.

Aph's mom- I know you did but you can't.

Aph- why not mom?

Aph's mom- because it is just not possible to just turn to one.

Aph- I will try to find a way.*runs to her house*

Aph's mom - if she dose then. I will have to tell her about her dad.

Aph- goes to goggle *searchs for"how to become a werewolf"*  oh ok so I just need to find a ultima werewolf ugh that's impossible those are just a fairy tale

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