Gaara Fanfiction

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               As Yuki gazed off at the stars, thinking of how she had gotten into this mess, she took a  deep breath, closing her eyes, as she recalled every single detail, as if it was all just happening........... As she awoke, the sun, shinning in her face, another normal day as Shinobi. She gazed out the window, enjoying the amaing view of the village, and all the life around her, she pulled herself out of bed, quick to get dressed, picking out her normal ninja outfit, as she prepared for another normal day day of training and tasks,  combing her hair as she smiled brightly, setting the hair brush down, putting her earings in as she rushed out of the bathroom, quickly going to the front door as she slipped on her boots, opening the door, as she looked out and took a deep breath, smiling as she stepped out, shutting the door behind her, heading off to the academy, where she was to pick up her weapons and continue her day, training. Yuki walked along in a joyful mood, as she approached the academy, calmly slowing down, as she began using a very serious face, she walked up as she slightly opened the door, peeking inside, as she heard a noise, peeking in a bit closer, as a man grabbed her from behind, picking her up, as he shouted, "Gotcha!", she screamed in shock, as she looked back at the young man, "That's not funny! You scared me!", she shouted back at him. He gently set her down as he laughed slightly, "You shouldn't leave such openings for an attack if you don't want me to scare you." he said in a calm yet smug voice, as he smiled sarcastically, she looked at him, a bit angered. "Do you think you're better than me just because you're male?!", he smiled and looked at her, "Yup! Men are the dominate sex, you know.", he laughed a bit, jokingly, she stared at him as she turned back to the door, walking inside, as she ignored his response. She walked into the Academy hall as she looked towards the end, it was the rooms where the weapons had been stored, as she begins to walk closer, Rei quickly ran up behind her as he picked her up, throwing her over his shoulder, "Don't be in such a hurry! You have plenty of time to train later!", he laughed with a smug smile on his face, as she began to flail and hit his back, he smiled, "That won't do much.", he looked back at her, while he spoke smuggly. She looked down and began to flail her feet, "I wanna get my weapons now! I miss my knives", she whimpered. As he looked back at her and sighed, setting her down, "Fine, go knock yourself out, squirt!", She looked at him angrily, "I'm the same age as you! I'm no squirt!". He smiled as he looked at her and rested his elbow on her head, "Kinda short for your age, aren't 'ya?", she removed his elbow from her head as she looked up at him, "I'm not short for my age! You're just too tall!", she shouted at him, walking towards the weapon room as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, following her, "Don't be impatient to train, Yuki-Chan!", he said to her smuggly, "Nope! I'm gonna become elite and bea tthe crap out of you!", she said to him, smiling, with a competitive look on her face. "Hmmm, that's gonna take a loooonnnnnng time", he responded. As she looked at him with an angered look on her face,  "Take me seriously! Rei-San!", she looked at him as she stopped. He smiled, "Okay, okay, calm down", he laughed and scratched his head, "You're too cute to be taken seriously anyway", she looked at him as she blushed, "I-I am not...!", she looked away and ran towards the weapon storage as she blushed even harder, "Y-You're such a player!", she shouted, as she continued to run. She stopped and put her hand on the door handle, opening the door, as she attempted to step into the room, as he teacher shouted for her, "Yuki-Kun!", she looked over, "Oh, Sensei!", she smiled, looking at him as she waved, "We're going to be doing hand to hand combat today, don't worry about the weapons!", he warned her. She smiled and nodded at him, "Got it!", he  walked away, back to carrying the boxes of training outfits into the storage room, as Yuki held the door for him, he smiled, "Thanks, Yuki-Kun", she was quick to reply, " Don't mention it!", he looked behind her and smiled smuggly, "You have an admirer, Yuki-Kun...", She looked back as she saw Rei, standing a bit behind her, waving as he waited for her. She smiled, as her teacher Sai looked at her, "Go on, i'll come find you when it's time to train", she smiled, "Thank you, Sai-Sensei!", he looked down at her, "Don't mention it", as if he was mocking her words from when she had replied to him. She laughed, running to and past Rei, as she yelled back, "Follow me!", he smiled as he chased after her. She ran out the door, as she ran around to the back side of the Academy, smiling, as she jumped into a  tree, she gazed around, as she looked, seeing Rei had easily caught up with her, she jumped to the next tree, as she  easily climbed to the top, she look around, as she sat down, Rei caugh up as he stood next to her, he looked in shock, as he said to her, in a faint, worried voice, "Y-Yuki-Chan.....", as she looked at him, sighing, as she thought to herself, "What kind of prank is he pulling THIS time?", she looked up, seeing  the worry clouded in his eyes, "W-What is it?", he looked down, "Look.....", Yuki looked as she couldn't believe what she had seen, as she gazed, speachless, looking at the smashed village gates, she saw men flood in, as she could see them, killing innocent men and women, even children, as her eyes widen with fear, her teacher rushes out as he screams up, "Get down here!", she jumped down, landing on the ground  on one knee as she stood straight up, not even believing what was happening, she looked at Rei as he jumped down, as he looked at Yuki, Sai looked at them both as he said to them, "Get out of the village, no matter what!", Yuki looked at him, in question, "B-But what about everyone else???! What about all the children and mothers that are beign slaughtered while their husbands and fathers lay dead on the ground next to them??!", she screams, "We can't leave them!",  as  Rei looks at Yuki, "We can't do anything, you're too scared to even fight me yet!!", as Yuki shows a bit of fear from his tone, she looks down, as Sai looks at Yuki, "Run! Both of you!", Yuki ooks up as 3 men come towards them, Rei quickly picks up Yuki, as he jumps intoa  tree, continuing into the forest. As Yuki then flails and screams, "Let go!", "We can't just leave!", he  notices them men chasing them, as he ran faster,  jumping onto the ground as he threw a smoke bomb, he had remembered, the weapons at the Academy, as he  turned to run back, quickly escaping as the enemies were left in the smoke, he ran towards the Academy, he  had covered Yuki's mouth to stop her from saying anything. He approached the Academy as he ran to the back door, peeking in as he  saw nothing, he ran into the hall, he was quick to go to the weapon storage, as he set Yuki down, he quickly open the door as he let her in first, as he then walks in, Yuki had quickly eqquiped a puch of 4  throwing stars, 12 Kunai, she then looked, as she picked up 2 Fuma Shuriken and strapped them in pouches to her  lower back, as she picked up to Sai's as she strapped them in pouches to her higher back, she looked at  Rei as he handed her a weapon she wasn't familiar with, as she looked at him, "What's this?", he looked at her "it's a Naginata, use it if you get attacked, i know it'll help", she nods as she holds onto it, as Rei stops to listen, he had heared the sound of foor steps, his eyes widen as he pushes Yuki towards the window to get out, as she had heard them too, she opened the window, as she looked behind Rei, seeing a man with red hair as he gave them a pitiful look, she had turned as she saw Rei, he spit up blood as he had fallen to his knees, she looked down at him in fear, "R-Re-......", she looked down as she sees the Katana he had been holding was pierced through his chest, she looked down in horror as he smiled up at her, "Run.... Yuki-Chan..... Run and become stronger..... stronger than me... Promise....", she watched as her bestfriend and rival fell to the floor, dead. Her heart raced as she bit onto her lip and hurried out the window, as she had looked back at the man that had killed Rei, she rushed across the small clearing as she  had noticed it began raining, as she ran to the Forest, leaving foot prints in the mud, she jumped into the trees to try and leave no trace, as she continued, she sat down on the  limb of a tree, she began to cry, as hours passed, the clouds had gone away, she looked up at the stars, as she opened her eyes, she said quietly to herself, "So.... this is how i got here.....", she heard a rustle as she panicked and stood up, she  looked around as her hands shook none stop, her breathing doubled as she begin to panic more, as the noise got closer she took deep breaths, trying not to get worked up, she held her ground as she  closed her eyes and took a deep breath, as she opened her eyes, the man that had killed Rei was inches from her, holding the same bloodied Katana he had used to murder Rei, she quickly jumps back, as she slips from the loose bark on the tree, she tumbled to the ground as she  quickly got up, as the man from before lit a lantern, he set it on the ground and backed away, he looked at Yuki, staring straight into her eyes. She saw no emotion in his eyes as she pulled out her Fuma Shuriken, ready to throw it if he came closer, as her legs were shaking, he looked down at her feet, as he put the cover over the Katana and set it leaning on the tree as he calmly closed his eyes and backed away, Yuki couldn't help but charge towards him with the Fuma Shuriken as she unfolded it, she attempted to stab him, as she closed her eyes, then opened the, she noticed she wasn't moving, the man had pinned her to the ground, as he stabbed the  Shuriken into the  ground, pinning her head, as she thought, "he's gonna kill me! If i move or try to pick my head up i'm screwed....", he backed away as he let go over her, "Are you done?", he said calmly, as she quickly removed the Shuriken from the ground around her neck, she sprung up, as she looked at the man, "I asked you a question", he said as he looked at her. She seemed a bit startled as she  backed away, "That promise you made your friend, you intend to follow through with it, do you not..?", he asked with the slightest bit of interest, as she looked at him, "Y-Yeah.. Why..?", she said in a low scared voice, as he looks at her, "I can help you, if you'd like to live and work under me", her eyes widen as she looked at the man. She dropped the Shuriken, "Of course not!! You just killed my entire village!", he looked at her as he closed his eyes, "Shame.", as she sighed and also closed her eyes, as she opened them, he had ran straight for her as he picked up the shuriken, grabbing Yuki by the throat as he slammed her against the tree, she spit up blood as he held the blade of the shurike to her throat, "What a shame, you seemed quite strong, too bad i'll have to end your life", her eyes widened as she heard him, "W-Wait!!" she screamed as she put her hands on the  blade, as he pushed harder, "I-If i become your subordinate.... Will you let me live...?", he looks at her trying to push the blade back as he replies calmly, "Yes", as she looks at him, "I......", in a  low tone, she says to the man, "I'll be your subordinate.... Just please, don't kill me!", she closes her eyes. The man lowers the blade and lets go of Yuki's neck, as she  falls to her knees,  gasping for air. As the man looks down at her, he calmly says, "Tell me your name", as she stands back up, having caught her breath, "Y-Yuki...", she looks down, "Your name is...?", he looks at her, "Gaara. Follow me", he walks back towards the village as Yuki followed him. She was completely silent as she looked forward at him, she spoke up a bit as she asked him, "W-Where are we going togo...?", as he answered her  calmly, "We're going back to where we came from, of course. You can rest once we get there", she looks at him, still a bit startled at his actions, "G.. Gaara... Can i ask you something...?", "Yes. What is it?", "Wh-Why are you letting me live...?", he stops and turns around and looks at her, "I'm not letting you live, i'm letting you fulfill a promise, i didn't say what would happen after that", as he turns around to continue walking, Yuki turns very pale as she gets nervous about what he said. "H-How am i supposed to know when i'm stronger than him...?", as Gaara looks back, "When you can defeat me, of course", Yuki sighs in relief, thinking to herself, "Thank god... That won't come anytime soon....", as she continues to walk, as Gaara meets up with several men, as they gather at the gate of the village by hundreds. Gaara looks at Yuki as he covers her with a coat, "Don't die before you fulfill the promise", Yuki's eyes widen, "O-Okay.....", as Gaara continues walking, as they reach outside the village gate. Yuki looks back at what used to be her home, destroyed and in ruins, as she looks at all the dead bodies, she can't help but get a bit angry, as she looks at Gaara, realizing what she's doing, she bites her tongue as she pulls out her Fuma Shuriken, running towards Gaara, "You on of a bitch!", Gaara simply looks at her running as he is quick to stop her, grabbing her by the arm as he twists it behind her back, "What's this?" he says while keeping ehr from makign any sudden moves, "I... I don't care if i die!! You destroyed my entire home village and killed my bestfriends.... You took everything i had....", she was quick to pull from Gaara's grasp as she attempts to punch him, missing, "If you wish to make the  attempt to take my life, you may do so", he looks at Yuki, charging towards her as she is paralyzed, he charges at her as he is quick to send a blow to the back of her head, knocking her un conscious. As several hours have passed, Yuki awakes as she looks around, sitting up, in an un familiar room, as she looks out the window, a bit startled at what she sees. As she gets up, she looks at a small dresser at the foot of her bed, with a simble ninja outfit and a beautiful long  black coat with dragons on it that reaches to her ankles, she notices a small piece of paper, as she begins to pick it up and read it, she looks down at the outfit, picking it up as she changes into the outfit, strapping on a pair of heeled boots which reach above her knees, she stands up as she continues reading the note, walking down stairs to the lovely training yard. As she walked through the house, completely clueless on where she was, she depended on the note to guide her, as she follow the directions, she came across the back door, as she slid the door open, looking out, she saw Gaara, waiting for her. She stood there, a bit speechless, as she made her way over to him, he looked down at her, "I'm going to set the rules with you now", he spoke in his natrual, calm voice, 'If you're going to be my subordinate, you're going to do missions for me as well. Seeing that you aren't the best in combat, i'm going to teach you what i can", he said looking down at her. As she lifted her head, looking at him, she threw a punch. Gaara, being very skilled in combat,  was quick to stop the punch by simply grabbing her hand, "Training isn't started yet, don't be impatient!", he shouted at her as he let go of her hand, "Then when does it start?", Yuki asked as she gave him a grim look. Gaara simply sighed, "If you're going to make threatening faces, at least have the courage to back them up", he said looking back at her, "Like so", he quickly grabbed a Kunai that was strapped to his leg, as he ran towards Yuki at an amazing speed, he put his hand around her throat, as he threw her against a tree. Holding the Kunai inches from her throat as he returned a grim look at her, squeezing harder on her throat as she gasped for air, he released, letting her fall to the ground as he handed her the Kunai, "As a basic training effort, try to attack me", he said, continuing the grim look at her. She caught her breath, pushing herself to her feet, as she held the Kunai in her hand, looking at Gaara in a bit of fear, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she looked at Gaara once more, thinking of how she could make a successful attack. She sighed nervously as she charged towards Gaara, holding the Kunai out. As she ran, aiming the Kunai towards his chest, he moved as he quickly grabbed her by the back of the hair, pulling down as she stopped and fell backwards. She dropped the Kunai as she looked over at Gaara, who still had a grip on her hair, she tried to stand as he  pulled her back down, letting go of her hair as he placed his foot on her throat. As he continued the grim look at her, he pressed down on her throat, as Yuki quickly tried to lift his foot from her throat, she didn't have the strength, "First rule of this training, do all you can, i won't hesitate to harm you", he said in a low, angered voice. Removing his foot from her throat, she sat up quickly, grabbing the Kunai, as she sprung up. He was taken by surprise as she drove the Kunai  through the palm of his hand, he was quick to pull his hand away, pulling the Kunai out, as he set his hand down and looked at her, "Good, you at least can preform small orders", he said, taking the grim look from his face. Yuki takes deep breathes, falling to her knees as she spits up a bit of blood, she gets a horrified expression, as she stands back up, handing him the Kunai as she turned, walking back to the door, as Gaara look to her, "Where are you going?", he asked. As she turned to him with blood running down her mouth, "I just need to go clean myself u-", "No", she is cut short as Gaara quickly denies her. As she looks down, "Okay...", she walks back to him as she waits for the next order, he sighs, "Fine.... Go take a break", she sighs as she walks to the door, sliding it open and shutting it behind her, as she calmly walks back to her room, she opens the door, waking to her bed as she face plants and falls asleep. She is awoke, as Gaara stares down at her, "Get up". She pushed herself up, sitting on the edge of the bed, "W-What..?", she echoed, "You might as well change and go to bed, it's already late", he said in an angered voice. She looked out the window as she saw it was dark out. She looked over at the clothes, "Okay...", she said in a hushed voice, as Gaara turned around, walking to the door, "I won't let you slack off tomorrow, be sure of that", he said in a stern voice as he walked out, slamming the door behind him. Yuki, a bit startled, shook it off, looking over at the clothes as she began to change. She folded her clothes and set them on the small dresser, looking back at her bed. She sighed, getting home sick as she slowly walked to her bed, sitting down as she carefully gazed at the window, shutting the lights off as she layed her head down, looking out as she saw on coming storm clouds. She watched, closing her eyes gently, she drifted to sleep. She awoke to the sound of rain. As she slightly opened her eyes. She gazed out the window, watching as it rained. She sighed and thought to herself, "What did he mean, "I won't let you slack off"? I'm working as hard as i can.." She sighed, shaking the thought from her head as she looked over at the dresser. She stood up, as she walked towards it, grabbing a basic pair of clothing for her training. She was quick to get dressed and set her previous clothing on the dresser. She walked out of her room as she saw Gaara. She stayed in her spot, waiting for him. As Gaara had approached her, she noticed he had become in a worse mood than before, she sighed, thinking to herslef, "Great. He looks very pissed. How could it get any worse....?". Gaara stopped, looking at her, as he calmly said in his regular tone, "Go get your weapons and  meet me outside.", as he then walked away. You sighed in relief, calming down that he wasn't angry. She was quick to walk downstairs, in search of her weapons, she saw them neatly layed out, cleaned and re sharpened. She smiled a bit as she walked to the table, picking up one of the Kunai. She looked at them, they looked as if they were brand new. She smiled a bit as she put them in her Kunai pouch, then grabbing the rest of her weapons as she carefully ran out the door, stopping, she looked around for Gaara.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2014 ⏰

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