Back Fire [girlxgirl]

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Danielle's POV

"Hey baby," Luke whispers in my ear.

I giggle and he turns me around and kisses me.

"So, I have a date planned for our anniversary next week," he smiles, "Aubrey and Ryan are coming too."

"Baby that's perfect," I grin and nuzzle my head into his neck.

"Get a room!" I hear Ryan yell from behind us.

"Are we going to just stand here and miss the reservation?" Ryan smirks.

I groan and we start walking to the restaurant. I watch Ryan and Aubrey having fun, laughing, and I sigh. It took Luke and me 4 months to act like that with each other, and they've only been together for 2.

We walk in silence for a few minutes until I hear someone yell my name.

I turn around and see Matt, my closest friend after Aubrey.

"You're back!" I smile and hug him.

I hear a cough behind me.

"Oh yeah, this is my boyfriend Luke," I tell him.

"I remember him! You two weren't official before I left. But now you are. That's great Danielle," he hugs me again.

"Well we have to go or we'll miss our reservation," Luke says and grabs my hand.

I take my hand out of his and catch up with Aubrey.

"What the hell was his problem?" She asks me.

"Honestly, I have no idea," I sigh.

We get to the restaurant and order our food. I finish my soup quickly and waited for everyone else to be done.

"Can we talk?" Luke whispers.

"Yeah," I reply, "hey Bree, we're going to go, I'll pay you back later okay?"

She nods and continues talking.

What does he want to talk about?

Did I do something?

You need to stop worrying, be confident.

"Why'd you want to talk?" I ask.

"I don't want you to be friends with Matt anymore," he says.

Anger flares inside me, "No. Why the hell should I stop being friends with a guy I've known since 4th grade just because my boyfriend is jealous?"

"You say it like I'm a burden!" He yells.

"Well sometimes you are! Like right now! Seriously Luke? This guy has no romantic interest in me, and I don't with him! He's one of my only friends and that isn't going to change," I growl.

"You are so stubborn! I never ask you to do these kinds of things for me!" He shouts.

"Well it is an unbelievably stupid thing for you to ask me to do. You're just saying this out of jealousy but there is no reason to be! It's not happening," I snarled.

"If you won't do something simple for me then," he motions to the two of us, "maybe this isn't going to work."

I can feel tears running down my face but I talk anyway, "No! We've been in this too long for a tiny fight to ruin it!"

He just walks away and says, "I just need some time alone, I'll call you tomorrow."

Aubrey's POV

Danielle hasn't contacted me which is weird because she always texts me when she's upset. I'm pretty sure she's not very happy judging by the way she and Luke were yelling outside.

I fall off my bed when I hear my phone vibrate, I know it's from her.

Can you come over? :( -D

I'll be right there x -A

Luke's POV

I called Ryan and asked him to come over for some guy talk. Which translates to guys talking about girls.

The door opens and I call Ryan into my room.

"Hey man, everything okay?" He asks.

"No, it's not. Danielle and I got into a fight," I told him, "I asked her if she could stop being friends with that Matt guy because I know he likes her, and she flipped out on me."

"Oh dude, you don't talk to your girl about her guy friends, unless you know for sure that something's going on," he sighs.

"Yeah I know, it's just I want someone who won't flip out on me, someone simple, without drama. It would be easier if I was gay," I babbled and before I knew it, I felt tears drip down my cheeks.

Wait what? I'm not gay.

"You know what's funny? A lot of girls feel the same way," he laughs.

Our eyes meet and I know he sees me staring at his lips.

What am I doing?

Well now it's too late to pretend like it never happened.

I lean in and I feel our lips meet and move against each other.

We break apart but I won't meet his eyes.

Why the hell did I just do that?

A/N I know this is a lot of drama for the first chapter but it needed to get started cx

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2014 ⏰

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