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"Namjoon, you can go now." The pink haired boy grinned widely at the voice of his boss, quickly getting rid of the ridiculous apron wrapped around his waist and grabbing a hold of his pack back, all set to leave the cafe filled with teenagers and families. It was turning dark outside, the perfect time for him to get back home to catch his favorite tv cartoon while relaxing into his comfy couch. The thought of sitting on his good old couch and watching Jerry make fun of Tom, made his grin widen.

Running a hand through his dyed pink hair, he checked the time on his phone and rushed his footsteps. It was a well known rumor that a bunch of 'dangerous' gangsters were going around, kidnapping people, holding them hostage for ransom. And namjoon didn't want to be a part of their collection. Not because he was scared to get kidnapped, oh no, but rather because he was certain that nobody would rescue his sorry ass. His family wasn't particularly rich and even though Namjoon was still eighteen and still going to college, he was the one who sent half of his paycheck every month back to his family in Korea. It was a though life but he was able to take care of himself and the majority of his needs and complete his family's ones. All in all, he was good, he was great actually. He was proud of himself.

The loud sound of a motorbike screeching to halt broke the pink haired boy away from his trance, making his eyes go wide when suddenly, there were two tall males in front of him, their brown eyes gazing down at him in disgust and contempt.
Namjoon braced himself for a fight or well, to at least defend his honor. Bringing his arm forward to get at least a punch in, the pink haired boy hissed in pain when the said arm was gripped by a masculine hand, twisting the fragile body part around until the sound of a bone cracking could be heard in the quiet air. Namjoon cursed his luck for getting an apartment in the most secluded area of the town. Only he could be so unlucky.

"Holy Shit!" The pink haired boy screamed, crouching down on the floor with his broken wrist in his other hand, he could feel his eyes turning watery and was sure that if given a few seconds to think, he would definitely break down in loud sobbs. Every single part of his body was screaming at him to just give in to the tears or to faint. But his mind couldn't help but wonder why. Why him? he was a nobody. Just a normal college boy who didn't even have enough money to buy a goddamn IPhone.

"You're coming with us brat." One of the men hissed, his face inches closer to Namjoon's terrified one. It shocked him further how these people were able to roam around, without any sort of disguise on, threatening people and breaking their bones. Once again, he cursed his luck for getting the cheapest apartment in the most pitiable neighbourhood. Namjoon reluctantly choose to agree but only after he had tried his damn hardest to escape. No way was he going down without a fight.

"A-alright but only after..." Namjoon paused dramatically, getting up on his feet and raising his leg up unexpectedly to kick the man closest to him on the oh-no area. He grinned in satisfaction when the heavy looking dude held his jewels with his hands, eyes glaring down at the pink haired boy with hatred. Namjoon did a happy dance but the moment didn't last long because the last thing he remembered was a cloth being pressed on his nose, brown eyes glaring harshly at him while the other uninjured man watched in amusement as Namjoon went to sleep in his arms.


Waking up is never easy and it's never pleasant. It brings you back to the harsh reality of life that everyone wants to ignore but in this moment, it was essential for Namjoon to keep on sleeping, to keep on faking that he was unconscious because the reality he would have to face if he opened his goddamn eyes, was going to be much harsher than the broken metal chair he was currently tied to and the tape wrapped around his mouth. So he pretended for as long as he could, keeping his eyes closed and his ears open.

"I cannot believe you got the wrong kid!" A voice was screaming, a hint of amusement lacing it but it was covered by the malice and anger in it.
Namjoon mentally cringed, imagining the person to be some lip pierced bloke with spiked hair and possibly a large body. Well, at least thats what he saw in movies.

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