Prologue-The Dream Of His Memories

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Max heard gunfire, he was surprised but mostly confused about what's going on here, and not the happy kind of surprised, but more of the scared kind of surprised. He open his eyes, for a swift second he hasn't realized yet.
But he's on top of a building, all he sees is darkness, but all he heard was gunshots. Although his eyes adapt pretty fast, he sees a tall rectangular box in a vertical shape, and a couple things with a box shape in front of him.

"What the hell?! Where am i?" he thought to himself

Then a sound of a big explosion was heard followed by a light source that spark behind him, illuminating the rectangular box that seems to be an entrance to the roof, and box shaped thing to be a couple of vents in front of him. He turned around and he sees fireworks across the Sky.
Well, at first he thought it was a fireworks. But actually, those are rockets. Not long after he saw the rocket, airplanes flew across the sky.
Max is panicking, his breath is starting to get out of control, he's starting to get cold sweat, he can't feel his leg. He can't move.

Then, one of the airplane blew up, Max didn't see what happen when the airplane blew up. Taking Max by surprise, he took a step back, he is still confused and scared. But at least he's able to move now.
Gunshots and explosion can still be heard. He took some step forward, trying to see what is going on down there, his vision were blocked by the rooftop's edges. He can see some lights source flickering and heard loud sound of gunshot and explosion.
The confusion and fear inside of him were unbelievable, but his curiosity is driving him mad. He take some step forward, at least until his vision won't be blocked by the rooftop's edges.

Each step he takes reveal more and more about what's going out there, the loud gunshots can still be heard. His heartbeat is going out of control at this moment.
After taking enough step, he can finally sees everything. It's a battlefield, a war. Soldiers and tanks are everywhere. Sparks of light flickers endlessly from the rifle and guns all of the soldiers have, the loud sounds of the tanks shooting their huge round of explosive can be heard, and now is scarier that Max knows what happened.
Not long after that, a small light flickers once in the far distance. At the horizon, a massive explosion happened, Max is really scared right now. Not long after that, The tree from the surrounding area started to shake. They shake in a wave formation from the closest to the explosion to the furthest one. Max only sees it in a split second, before he could even realize. He got pushed from the... wind, he wasn't expecting that the wind would be powerful enough to push him, and he fell down to the floor. It was quite a hard fall for him, his head felt dizzy

Max tries to resist the pain, it wasn't that painful but sure it probably leave a bruise, it's one of those type of pain where you close your eyes and just bite as hard as you can to hold it. He opened his eyes as he lay on the floor, he sees the night sky, he doesn't know why but it feels... Beautiful, and relaxing. Well, it feels like that because all the chaos in the battlefield stops, he didn't realize this yet. When he snap out of it, he tried to stand up.
He roll over and push him self upward with his hand, he's finally standing. He slowly turned around. And Max is slowly shocked. Max is really scared at this point, he is fully filled with fear. What he saw was a threat, something that can't be stopped once it happened, it's humanity biggest mistake when it comes to invention and war.
It was dark, all Max's see are only silhouette of the danger. But, he can still see it clearly, if that makes sense. A giant mushrooms cloud formation formed on the horizon, the cloud was massive. Bigger
than any explosion that has ever happened, it was then Max realize the small spark of light that shows earlier was a nuke.

It was silent. Max don't know what to do now, then. He started to hear whispers, it was really creepy. He doesn't know what it said, it's just gibberish of whispers. The whispers Is getting louder and louder each seconds. Max close his eyes, scared of what might happen next. He put his hands on his ears, trying to cover the whispers.
Then, a really loud screams was heard, it sounds... Real and it... Echoes? It really scares Max, he opened his eyes to see what it is.
So He opened his eyes, he can't feel his whole body. All the darkness of the night sky is gone, instead it's filled with thousand of stars and the moon is shining bright. Max is trying to figure out where he is right now. He can't move his whole body, probably because of all the thrills he gets earlier, he realized now that what Happened was a nightmare. But it feel... real, as if it was not even a dream at all... Wait, where is he now?

Max wait for a solid couple of minutes to recover, he's keep thinking about the nightmare earlier. Then, Max can feel his finger, he try move it, he can only twitch his finger. Slowly but surely, he started to gain more control over his hand. He raised his hand upward, trying to block the bright moon right in front of him. And he's wearing gloves apparently, Max's memory is not so good after waking up. If he is looking at the sky right now, Max is laying on the ground or on something probably.
Max open his gloves, and scratch his eyes. Max vision is a bit better now, and he is not squinting anymore, unlike before when he just woke up. He is still gazing at the beautiful night sky. But, his instinct tells him he should check his surrounding.

Max use his elbox to push him upwards, now he got control over his other hands. Max is sitting now... on top of snow, a pile of snow? Was he sleeping on top of a pile of snow this whole time? Did he pass out last night? Or is this intentional? What time is it right now? But... Does time even matter now? Max doesn't have any job, he doesn't even know what he is doing last night. His whole surrounding is snow and... Trees that looked... dead, it looks rotten. There's no leaf, only branches. He rotate his head trying to scan everything around him, all he sees is snow, just snow everywhere, where the hell is he right now? He tried to remember, but the only memorable thing he can remember is... a nuke.

"The Earth, is in Desolation... And Extinction is near for Humanity..." Max said, under his breath whispering softly to himself

A quote he heard from his friend, his friend has already passed away, died in the battlefield during the war. Max didn't realize this, but it is really cold. Even with all the winter equipment he is wearing right now. And Max remember his nightmare now. The nightmare, it feels real... it feels like... a Memory, instead of an Imaginary Dream. Well, it feels like that Because... it has already happened.

An 8 year war between Russia and United States. The war was terrifying, both side suffer terrible destruction. In the year 2048, the war was finally resolved. At last Peace was finally achieved, but it's already too late.
After waves and waves of bombs, nukes, and firepowers both side release. Ashes and all the dust from the ruin of the battlefield has covered the Earth's atmosphere, blocking the sunlight. At the year 2050, only 2 years later, the world is in an absolute zero, and the Ice Age started all over again, most of people can't fight the harsh winter. And Max, a veteran soldiers from the great 8 year war between United States and Russia, are now just one of the remaining survivors.

Survivor Of The War

Survivor, Of The Aftermath

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