Guardian Angel?

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Life: a simple yet fragile thing. It begins and ends so quickly and frequently. For some their life come to the brink of the end but something pulls them back, letting them enjoy another day of life. This is what happened to (Y/N) but it didn't end the way you would think.

The car had come out of nowhere as it seemed, hitting (Y/N) and nearly taking her life. She had been in a coma for nearly three weeks before waking up. When her eyes opened she first saw her mother asleep in a chair next her bed, second her father also asleep but on the probably very uncomfortable couch they had in her room. Then she saw him, he wore black pants, a black shirt, and a black leather jacket. He had wings. She blinked a few time to make sure she was really seeing this. He actually had wings, but they too, were black. Her mind scrambled trying to think of why he was there and who he was. Her first and only thought was that he was death coming to take her away. He looked so dark and hauntingly beautiful. There was no way he could be a sign of anything good.

"Hello (Y/N)." He spoke.

"H-Hi." Her voice cracked.

"I'm Zayn. How are you doing love?."

"I... I don't know. I feel fine."

"Good. I know you probably have some questions. I'm an angel. I'm here to protect you for a while."

"Like a guardian angel?"

"Exactly like a guardian angel." He smiled.

"Why? What? How..."

"You were nearly killed by a car before it was your time." He said somberly. "So I am here to protect you. I mean I'm always here to protect you but for a short bit of time you will be able to see, talk to, hear, touch, and feel me. It's so you can feel better and safer" he explained "It's to reassure you're belief that something bigger than you is out there and looking out for you."

"C-Can anyone else see you?"

"No. You are the only one that can see me."

A knock came to the door followed but the creak of the door opening. A nurse wearing puppy scrubs walked in with a chart in her hand.

"Hi! You're awake! How are you feeling? Do you feel dizzy, nauseous, any swelling, or discomfort at all?" She half whispered.

"No I feel fine. Just a little disoriented is all. What day is it?" You replied.

"Today is the sixth dear. You were in a coma for nearly three weeks."

The sixth. You had missed so much time. Your mom and dad must have had a hard time with this. You couldn't help but wonder if they had paused their whole lives because you got hurt. Once you didn't reply the nurse started looking at your vitals. She wrote things down on the chart and checked on your fluids.

"Hun I'm going to change a few things now that you're awake. It will just take a moment."

She did what she needed to do, gave you a quick smile and left. She also let you know that you would be able to go home if all went well. Nurses and doctors came in and out of the room all day making sure you were okay. All your vitals stayed good enough for the doctor to give you the go ahead to be released. Your mom signed the papers within the hour and you were headed home in the next two hours.

*Five Days Later*

You had been released for the hospital five days ago and Zayn had still been there. Just like he said no one could see him, this being proven when your mother walked right through him. A weird and interesting sight to see really. Since you had lots of time alone it gave you the opportunity to talk and get to know Zayn.

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