Jessica 1984 October 1
Today was like every other day- absolutely horrible, treacherous even. Sam the flounder face approached me like always with her fat goons Brianna and Max. "Sl*t- that's all you are, a sl*t." she chanted it. Brianna and Max called me things like freak and Midnight, seeing as how I'm black that hurt. I didn't cry like a p*ssy I just got mad grabbing Max and slugging her in the face. A teacher came out after hearing Max thud against the dull grey lockers, he grabbed me and took me to the principal immediately. I got 2 weeks of ATS for punching Max and they got nothing. Now here I am drinking a Beer and remembering that I can legally drink, seeing as how I've been alive for 104 years. I can't wait until I get out of this $h!t hole.
Jessica 1984 October 2
A new girl came to school today, she's in most of my classes and she's very nice to me for some reason. I think she wants to be my friend I guess. I don't see the goal in being friends with someone like me. Her Name is Erin which is cool I guess.