First Meeting

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(This is my first time doing something like this, so please bear with me.)

You were standing outside of the monestary, gently knocking on the door as the ran poured down around you. Your whole body shook as you tried to pull your already soaked jacket closer to your body. When the door opened, it wasn't Father Fujimoto like you had expected. It was a boy around your age with dark messy hair and wide blue eyes.

He quickly pulled you inside, out of the freezing rain. "How can I help you?"

"I'm here to see Father Fujimoto about a few things. Is he around?" You gave the boy a warm smile.

"Yeah, he's in here." The boy grabbed your hand and led you further inside and you came to a large room where you could see the exorcist speaking with someone.

"Ah, (y/n)! I thought you might have stayed home today due to this horrendous weather. And I see that you've met my oldest son, Rin." The old exorcist laughed.

"Well, we haven't been properly introduced," you held out your hand, your cheeks a light pink, "Hi Rin, I'm (y/n)."

"That's a nice name." He blushed a bit as he awkwardly shook your hand.

"Thanks, I got it for my birthday," You laughed.

"Rin, go get some dry clothes from your room for our guest to change into. I'll make some tea, you must be freezing." Father Fujimoto said, taking your sopping wet coat and shoes and motioning for you to follow Rin.

"Do you mind if I sit with you? Everywhere else is full."

You looked up from your manga to see a boy about your age with dark hair and teal eyes behind dark framed glasses in front of you. He had a stack of books in his hand as he stood awkwardly, waiting for your answer.

"No, of course I don't mind. I'm, (y/n) by the way," you smiled as you moved your bag from the seat next to you.

He blushed as he sat beside you, "Yukio, Yukio Okumura."

"So, I'm going out on a limb here and saying your not last minute studying for entrance exams like pretty much everyone else here?" You giggled as you turned to look at him.

"Last minute? No. Studying for entrance exams? Yes." He adjusted his glasses and gave you a slight smile.

"Are you trying to get into True Cross? I want to become an exorcist, so I've had my eye on the Cram School for a while."

"All I've ever wanted was to make it into True Cross. I'm studying to become a doctor." He said hopefully.

"I'm sure you'd be a great doctor," you looked down at your watch, you were gonna be late getting home if you didn't leave the library now. Shit.

"Bye, Yukio! I've got to get going, see you at True Cross!" You waved and turned to leave.

"Wait! Maybe we could stay in touch? You know, so maybe we could study together when we get to True Cross?" His face was bright red.

"Sure, Okumura, we canstay in touch." You pulled a Sharpie out of your bag and grabbed a hold of his arm, scribbling your number across the inside of his forearm. "Bye."

You left the library and headed home.

It was the day of the opening ceremony and you couldn't find your friend anywhere. She told you to meet up with her so the two of you could with together during the ceremony. When you finally saw her, you took off across the courtyard towards her, only to run right into something.... Or better yet, someone.

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