The beginning

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*Picture of Tyler* 

Just a normal day. At least that was what I thought when I woke up. The sun slipped past the curtains and slapped my face waking me up. God I hate the sun. Why couldn't every day be cloudy and gloomy? Those were the best days. No need to worry about getting tan. No need to worry about skin cancer. Hell no need to worry about a heat stroke during a soccer game. But no. It had to be sunny, and I had to get out of bed. 

"Tyler, honey it's time for you get up," Mom's voice radiated throughout the house and into my ears. Groaning I pulled the covers over my face and frowned. Why did it have to be a Friday? Couldn't it just skip to Saturday? Ah beloved saturday. One day in the week I was allowed to sleep in and do as I wish. But sadly it had to be a friday. 

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler." My younger brother Jacob cooed as he jumped on my bed before falling onto me pulling at my covers. "Wake uppppp, Mom made my favorite. Pancakes!" I never understood how he could be so energetic this early in the morning. Hell coffee did not make me this energetic, all it did was make me even more tired.

"I am up, I am up," I replied turning around so Jacob was under me before tickling his sides. His giggles filled my room and a smile formed on my lips. I loved my younger brother. Kids were so cute and innocent. He places his hands on mine trying to move them away, closing his light brown eyes, his pink small lips curled into a huge grin as he giggled. He was seven years old, four feet once inch, and pretty tone. Guess he got that from me.

I stopped tickling him and moved back smiling before messing his light brown hair. "That was for jumping on my bed."

"No fair," he tried pouting still grinning. 

"Lets get some food before  mom eats them all." I told him slipping out of my bed and pulling on my t-shirt walking down to the kitchen with him running ahead. 

"Mommm, save some for us!" he yelled running ahead of me in his school uniform. A brown long pants with black belt and a white shirt nicely tucked in. 

I chuckled as I sat down at the table picking up my pancake and biting into it. "Guess mom didn't eat them all." He whispered stuffing his mouth with pancakes. 

"Yum, blueberry pancakes." My father walked into the kitchen kissing my mother on the cheeks picking a pancake up and biting into it. My mother and father had been happily married for twenty two years. Sure they had their occasional arguments about god knows what. But they never cried because of each other, and secretly I wanted a relationship just like that.

My dad was Six feet three inches, athlete built with dark brown hair and ocean blue eyes, with a clean shave. If he did not have a clean shave, you knew he had a horrible day or week. My mother on the other hand was slender with light brown hair uptil her waist which was in a messy bun with slight strands loose. She had light brown eyes which me and my brother had inherited. My dad was a lawyer, plus he had his own law firm. My mother was a well known pediatric surgeon and here I was, 20 and studying to be a vet, still living with my parents, single since I was born.

"Do you need a ride to school?" My dad asked pulling me away from my thoughts. 

"Yeah sure. Let me change quickly." I ran upstairs  jumping out of my night pant pulling on a black jeans and threw on my black jacket. I grabbed my backpack throwing my wallet into it along with my white and black sneakers.

Running down back into the kitchen I grab a few pancakes then dashed out the door slipping into my black sneakers that awaited for my feet near the door. "Bye mom," I yelled as I headed out the door.

"Bye honey. I love you. Make sure to buy lunch and don't be late tonight," She called back as I rushed and got into the passenger seat pulling on my seat belt.

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