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An act can change a life. A motto often heard, legit for some, irrelevant and irking for others, like the homeless who don't appreciate inspiration given to them by strangers unless its green with a number, prefferably a high one.

Some argue on how fate steers us around on daily basis, making the descisions that we are supposedly unable to make- for example if a life concludes in happily ever afters, devastation or on most occasions in equilibrium.

At times I wonder if what people say about fate is true, sure i believe in coincidences but when you hear a wise person say that there are no such things as coincidences you doubt, you hesitate.

If you're some crazy fan of some fantasy book that starts with a prophecy and ends with a fate changing descision and impossibility but you know that the characters will succeed or if you're a lover of romance novels where it seems impossible for the lovers to find they're way back to each other but you know that they will, and in the end they somehow always do. Tell me why they do.

I remember once when I was younger I wrote an essay, I thought it was fantastic but my teacher thought otherwise. "This is fiction" she said, I nodded my head "yep". "But fiction means that it ends with a happy ending", I nod again "yep". My teacher gives me that look of pity 'she's a dumb one' kind of pity face. She sighs "But there is no happy ending". " There ith mith, the bad guy wins, he got hith happy ending" Hey what can I say? The villain put in a lot more effort to destroy the world than the hero that was supposed to save it, so i thought that he had deserved it more. That day i got my first B-, i cried and i think i had candy stuck on my tooth hence the weird talking. Different people cry for different reasons.

Everybody has a soft spot for those happy endings, don't deny it, and they wish for their own, whether they want a good or bad ending, in the end for them it's a happy ending and that's what matters the most. Either way, the question in my story is: Do we get the Happy ending? 


The actual story is going to begin on the first chapter, hope you didn't mind-liked the prologue i guess. Bonvoyage. Oh and i dedicate this to Meemo23 for the creation of this great cover and for being forced through blue eyed torture. Thankyou. 

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