07. redamancy

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redamancy - the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full

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"Plans for tonight?"

Natalie looked up from the TV to where Sasha, her roommate was standing. She stuffed another spoon of Cookies-n-Cream ice cream into her mouth, shaking her head to say no.

"I'm looking for something on Netflix." Those were the only plans she had for the evening. After a week of work, the law case stressing her out to no means, Natalie deserved a break.

And so she was treating herself. With ice cream and Netflix.

"Again?" Sasha questioned. "Nat, that's what you did last weekend. Don't you have anything else to do?"

Natalie shrugged. "There's nothing to do."

Nor did Natalie want to do anything else either.

She didn't know too many people in the city. And the people she did know, she couldn't really call them asking them if they wanted to do something on a Saturday night.

Especially since one of the few people she did know was probably spending his evening with his wife.

"Really? What about you go out to eat somewhere or maybe the Boardwalk? It's less than a thirty minute drive and the Boardwalk is beautiful at night."

"Ehh." Natalie carelessly disagreed, turning her focus back to the show she'd paused since Sasha had interrupted her.

"Just find something to do. Please." Sasha pleaded once again before finally giving up. "Fine but my boyfriend's spending the night tonight."

Natalie smirked, knowing the real reason why Sasha wanted her out of their apartment for the night. "Whatever. I'll just turn-up the TV volume."

Sasha let out an irritated sigh as she stood up, ready to go. Grabbing her purse off the counter, she tried convincing Natalie once again.

"Come on Nat. You've moved here more than six months ago. You can't spend every single Saturday sitting on the couch, ordering take-out and rewatching the same shows."

"I went out with you last weekend. To watch that stupid rom-com." Natalie whined, completely ignoring Sasha as she pressed the play button again. She'd much rather watch another few episodes than have to watch another romantic movie with Sasha.

"What about that guy from your job? What was it ugh Zander?" Sasha encouraged her, once again.

"He's probably busy." Natalie replied, offering no other explanation. He was probably busy. With his wife.

Natalie had only told Sasha about bits Zander, about working with him, about how he was incredibly smart and talented and about how he was kind, concerned. And about how she'd slowly taken an interest in him.

But the one thing Natalie has never mentioned was the one fact she didn't want to acknowledge herself. And that was that he was married.

"Whatever. Why don't you come with me? Some of David's friends are also going to be there."

Natalie refused, glancing at the TV again. But a part of her wanted to go.

It wasn't like Zander would ever take an interest in her.

He was too concerned with his wife. That's all he ever talked about, that's all he cared about, that's all he wanted.

For him, Natalie would just be a stupid new-grad lawyer that he was forced to work with.

He would never notice someone like her. Why would he when he already had what he wanted.

Natalie silently agreed with Sasha.

She's spent too many of her weekends coped up in the apartment. Maybe she just needed to get out.

"Natalie. Let's go." Sasha reaffirmed, her no-nonsense tone.

Natalie huffed, standing up as she tossed the blanket aside.


But maybe, maybe it would be good for her.

She could meet someone new, someone better, someone who wasn't married. And then she couldn't finally forget about Zander and his perfect little wife.

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"I'm not pregnant." Misha mumbled as she plopped down on the bed, next to Zander. She tossed the small lavender-colored pillow aside, almost with a hint of frustration.

Zander had already mentioned he wanted to try for a baby. He'd hinted at it, more than once.

They'd been trying for weeks. And still, she felt a little frustrated.

She turned facing Zander as he sat up, turning so he was facing her.

"I mean, I was a week late so I thought." She continued mumbling, looking up at the white ceiling again. "But I guess not."

"Misha, come on. It's fine." He scooted closer to her. His arm draped across her waist as he pulled her to him. "I mean, we just started trying. Things take time, I guess."

Misha turned so that she was facing him.

"I know but I just I don't know. I just got all excited." Misha smiled at him, her eyes full of sparkle. "Do you want a girl or a boy?"

She pouted her lips as he laughed, his laugh mellow.

And even after being married for three years, he still made her feel like that.

Just like that.

The way she felt all fuzzy and dizzy, spinning in love. That's how he made her feel. Like she was something special, something rich.

"Zander." Misha playfully swatted his arm. "I'm serious."

He laid back down, a soft smile on his lips as he glanced at her again. "Isn't it too soon for this? I mean we're still planning?"

Zander pulled Misha on top of him, just so she was straddling him. One hand gripping her bare thigh, the other on her back.

Zander flashed her a sly grin, wanting to tease her some more. "Oh God Misha, don't tell me you already made a list of baby names too?"

"What? No, I didn't." Misha narrowed her eyes, playfully glaring at him as he teased her about her tendency to make lists for everything. Whether it be shopping lists, to-do lists, anything. It was just the way she liked it. Everything neat and ordered, all according to a plan.

Just as easily as she continued talking, Zander flipped them over so he was on top instead. Misha squealed, tickling him to get him off of her.

"Zander stop." She giggled.

"Stop what?" He slipped his shirt off, tossing the white tee aside. Smirking mischievously, he grabbed her hands, her tickling doing little to stop him, and pinned her hands against the soft bed.

Misha squirmed under him. Pretending to be a little more serious this time, with narrowed eyes and a stern voice. "I'm on my period."

"And since when has that stopped us?"

"Zander." She drawled, snickering, slowly melting into the taste of his cinnamon lips. His lips molded against her as he shut her up. His hands moving up, under her shirt as she moaned against him, his hips grinding against hers.

Her hands, tangled in his hair as she ran her hands through the soft brown locks. Her eyes fluttering shut, her body glistening with desire as he kissed her, held her, touched her.

Zander pulled back, slightly, moving his lips to her ear and his breath warm as he whispered.

She could feel him smile as he spoke, his light stubble rubbing against the side of her face.

"A girl. I want a little girl that looks just like you."

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June 15, 2018 10:59 AM

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