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Rae was looking around his apartment for his best piece of clothing. Tuxedo? Too classy, she wouldn't like it either. Some of his clothing was really odd, as he'd never worn it before. Alas, he found it. His jacket with the red stripes on it and the lightish red undershirt. He had everything he needed to head out. It had been a while since he'd seen her but he couldn't stop thinking about her. It had been so long, but his heart never forgot. He turned off the lights and headed out to where they arranged to meet, the park.

Rae saw her there, and she looked a bit different. Her figure had changed, after all it had been a year since they last saw each other. She'd also gotten a bit taller which was expected. She wore shorts with a black t-shirt, something he wasn't expecting. As he was walking up to her, she had noticed him immediately by his classic outfit. Her blue eyes glistened, her red hair shined, and her smile was gorgeous. Liza was still as beautiful as ever. Liza walked up to him.

Liza: "H-hey there..."

Rae smiled a bit

Rae: "Hey! I thought you'd never show up"

Liza: "Y-yeah. It's been a while."

Rae: "Yeah, I was in the dumps for a while and then I decided to make a change. I forgot about Tiana and got a job at a tech company."

Liza: "And you called me asking if I wanted to go on a date? Seems like you've got your life choices worked out too."

Rae laughed

Rae: "Anyways, did you want to go somewhere in the park? I hear they make good hot dogs here."

Liza smiled a bit

Liza: "S-sure..."

Rae bought them hotdogs and they sat on a bench nearby and after they were done, Rae led Liza to a wooded area nearby.

Rae: "Come on! I have a spot here that I used to visit when I was a kid!"

Liza: "Hold up! You're really fast!"

Rae and Liza made their way to a small clearing in the woods, a large tree in the center. Rae climbed up the tree to a high up branch.

Rae: "Come on! The view is nice up here!"

Liza looks a bit nervous about climbing the tree

Liza: "I-I'll be fine down here..."

Rae: "Nonsense! Here, let me help you up here"

Rae climbs down the tree and grabs her hand to help pull her up the tree

Liza: "Ah! What a-are you doing!? I said I'll be fine down here!"

Rae: "It'll be just for a minute, then you can come back down."

Liza: "A-alright, fine!"

Liza gets helped up the tree. From up here, they can see the whole park above the trees

Rae:  "The view is beautiful..."

Liza: "It sure is."

Rae: "I'd say it's more beautiful since you're here though."

Liza blushes

Liza: "Sh-shutup! You don't mean that...

Rae turns to Liza

Rae: "I mean every word..."

Rae slowly leans towards Liza and.....


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2018 ⏰

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