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Here I am again, still can't sleep on your side

There's your coffee cup, the lipstick stain fades with time

If I can dream long enough, you'd tell me I'd be just fine

I'll be just fine

Shayne woke up to the sunlight streaming through his window. Rolling over he glanced at her side of the bed, still untouched. He then noticed the coffee cup on the nightstand, the lipstick stain on it beginning to fade. Tears began streaming down his face again. He wishes he could sleep forever so he could see her in his dreams and everything would still be okay.

So I drown it out like I always do

Dancing through our house with the ghost of you

And I chase it down with a shot of truth

Dancing through our house with the ghost of you

He decided to turn on the radio to drown out his sorrows like he always did. When he realized their song was playing he couldn't bring himself to turn it off.  He found himself swaying to the song imagining he's dancing with her like they used to. His arms around his waist, hers around his shoulders. Everything around them disappears and it's just the two of them for what feels like an eternity. As the song came to an end he snapped back into reality the loneliness flooding back into his system.

Cleaning up today, found that old Zeppelin shirt

You wore when you ran away, and no one could feel your hurt

We're too young,  too dumb,  to know things like love

But I know better now, better now

Shayne decided to start cleaning up because he hadn't since she's been gone. When going through a pile of clothes he found her old Zeppelin shirt. The last time she wore it was the day she ran away. He started getting worried when she stopped answering her phone. Damien tried to calm him down by suggesting that her phone had died but Shayne knew something was wrong. After 2 more hours of no contact he decided to go out and look for her. He eventually found her sitting on a bench by the old pedestrian bridge on the outskirts of town. She told him she had been dealing with depression and anxiety lately and needed  some time alone to clear her head. She said she'd be fine. He knows better now.

So I drown it out like I always do

Dancing through our with the ghost of

And I chase it down with , with a shot of truth

Dancing through our house with the ghost of you

He decided to take a drive around town to try and get her off his mind. When he turned the radio their song was playing again. Instantly he was back at their house dancing with her like they used to do. Spinning her around in his arms thinking they would be forever. They were on top of the world.

Too young, too dumb

To know things like love

Too young, too dumb

When Shayne told Damien that he thought she was the one he said Shayne was too young to know that. Damien thought he was crazy. Shayne knew better.

So I drown it out like I used to do

Dancing through our house with the ghost of you

And I chase it down, with a shot of truth

That my feet don't dance like they did with you

As the song drew closer to the end Shayne turned the radio down and turned into the cemetery. He parked and got out of his car. He began walking down a row of stones until he got to hers and whispered out a weak "I love you" and laid down next to it.

Ghost of You (Shayne Topp)Where stories live. Discover now