Chapter 1

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"Wheeljack you know I hate flying..." Ratchet mumbled as he climbed into the cockpit of the Jackhammer, Wheeljack's ship.

"Would you rather drive there?" Wheeljack smirked, settling into the pilot's seat and checking the engines and thrusters.

Ratchet rolled his optics and got comfortable, glancing at the several cameras that showed the rear and side view of the ship. He huffed, crossing his arms and trying not to panic. "Wheeljack is a good pilot, I'm sure of that, but I just hate heights." He thought to himself.

He was startled by the sudden roar of the engines as Wheeljack flipped a switch and pressed a few buttons, slowly powering the ship up.

"You ready? I promise I won't spin around like last time." Wheeljack chuckled, remembering the last time Ratchet had flown with him. Ratchet had almost purged his morning energon all over the cockpit when Wheeljack did a flip in the air.

"Hmph, you better not." Ratchet sighed, feeling the ship lift off the ground.

"Here, maybe this will make things better." Wheeljack said, holding Ratchet's hand in his while controlling the ship with the other.

Ratchet blushed, looking away. He felt Wheeljack's hand tighten around his and sighed. "Put your hand back on the steering wheel, you'll get us both scrapped!" He joked, pulling his hand away.

"You know this ship had autopilot, right?" Wheeljack laughed, pressing the button for autopilot. Automatically, the wheel turned towards the direction of the set coordinates and began to fly that way.

Ratchet rolled his optics as Wheeljack gripped his hand again. "You always find a way, don't you?" He snickered, rubbing Wheeljack's chin.

"Yes, nothing can stand in the way of our love." Wheeljack replied, gently bumping his helm against Ratchet. Since it was sort of hard for them to kiss sometimes because of Wheeljack's helm shape, Wheeljack usually bumped his helm against Ratchet's as some form of kiss.

"Wait a minute, what's that in the camera?" Ratchet said, pointing to the rear view camera.

Wheeljack leaned forward, looking at the feed from the camera. He saw a blurry shape behind them, slowly followed by several others. "Scrap, I knew the cons would be on our tailpipes. They must be tracking the same energon beacon." He grumbled, taking the ship off of autopilot and gripping his hands on the steering wheel.

Soon the Decepticons began firing upon the ship, forcing Wheeljack to maneuver his way around the sailing bolts of energy. Eventually, a stray blast struck home, destroying one of the rear thrusters.

"Frag, right thruster's fried. Hold on.." Wheeljack muttered, trying to concentrate on controlling the ship so that they didn't plummet towards the ground.

Ratchet gulped, holding the edge of his seat tightly. He was worried that they may go down somewhere and become stranded.

Seconds later, a warning light flashed in the cockpit, indicating that an engine was failing. Smoke was billowing out of the back of the ship, blocking the rear view camera.

Wheeljack frowned, ignoring the warning light and trying to avoid being hit. The weapons on the top of the ship turned around and began firing upon the Decepticons, knocking a few of them out of the sky.

"Wheeljack..." Ratchet said worriedly, glancing over at the flashing light.

"I know. I think we'll be fine for now-" Wheeljack spoke too soon. The ship swerved off to the side as an engine imploded, catching half the ship on fire.

Smoke filled the cockpit, causing them to start coughing.

"Wheeljack are you alright?!" Ratchet called out, the smoke stinging his optics as he tried to see.

No response. Ratchet managed to see his slumped form at the controls. The explosion must've knocked him out and add in the smoke, he was out cold.

Ratchet felt himself fighting to stay conscious, his vision wavering. As the ship took a nosedive down towards the ground, Ratchet passed out against the dashboard as the fire kept raging inside the engine.

The ship burst through the cloud cover, starting to spiral down towards a canyon. It clipped the side of a cliff on its way down, sending it flying into the hard rock below. It slammed into the ground, pushing up dirt and rocks as it slid forwards. When it slowed to a stop, the fire was still burning and putting out smoke, acting like a homing beacon for the Decepticons.

Starscream did a flip in the air as he transformed, landing with a thud on the ground. Several vehicons landed beside him, weapons at the ready.

As they approached the smoking wreckage of the ship, Starscream cackled loudly. "Well, well, well... What do we have here?" He chuckled, his mouth twisting into a sinister grin.

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