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tap tap tap......

tap tap tap tap tap......

"that's it!!", irene said stomping her feet to the groud. "i cant take it anymore! that person is so dead!" she threatened standing up from her seat which was in the middle of the library hall.

She took a light but hasten her steps towards the origins of the echoing sound that has been bothering her. Her conscious mind and sense of direction been telling her that it came from the table directly opposite to her, far off at the corner.

That is where she was heading at the moment. She can't tell who was it from her place because her view was blocked by a row of bookshelves.

If anything she is not the kind of student with poor concentration that can be bothered even by the slightest sound of a pen dropping. But, the pen tapping noise has been echoing, killing her sanity and taking her concentration away slowly since twenty minutes ago continuously after she first got here.

It first started with a sound of someone scribbling their notes loudly. She thought it was just temporary. But not until it proceeded with loud sound of pen tapping once. Twice. Thrice then it come to a stop. And to her surprise it continues like that for the whole hell of a twenty minutes.

That's when she ticked off.

She didn't intend to create a scene in the library. All she wanted was her peace back.

When she reached her target, she saw it was a very familiar male. It seems like he, and the other students surround him were either wearing headphones or earphones. Deafening by the music.

No wonder nobody shooed him down.

"Ehem ehem..." she cleared her throat to gain his attention. No reply.

"Hello!!!" she said waving her right hand in front of his face. He noticed.

"What??" he said raising one of his eyebrows at her.

"May i help you?" dropping his sinful pen.

"Right. Maybe you forget there's people here who's trying to study as well. Like you. So can you please tone it down with your pen tapping. Scribbling... or anything.. i can't concentrate." she said forcing a smile.

Right then she saw him smirking. Raising his lips corner on one side like he was planning on something evil.


"What??!!" she said half shouting but more to whispering, still controlling her voice so she won't caught anyone's attention.

Scrunching her face, she sat down pulling the chair opposite to him. She's about to explode thus she thought sitting down would calm her nerves down a little bit.

"What do you mean by no?!" she said. Her eyes pierced right through his. She needs to reason out with this man before she did anything stupid and get kicked out from the library.

"It's my right too you know. This library is for public. I saw nobody near me complaining. Why do i need to listen to you??" he said smirking.

Oh she hated that smirk!

He loves teasing irene. He loves how her palm-sized face flushed red and her small pointy nose moving when she's mad. She is too cute to him. He feels like his heart is going to burst from cuteness.

"Seriously kim taehyung!" she said. "I got exam tomorrow. I don't have time for this. I don't have time to argue with you. Can you please do me a favor this one time. Please shut up...".

Tears started to dwell in her eyes. She knows he's right. She can't get mad at everyone who distracted her. She's just... stressed out. That's why. It is less about taehyung and his bloody pen. It is more about the important test she's going to have the next day.

Taehyung saw it. He felt really stupid when he saw tears brimming in her eyes. He felt stupid for picking on her.

"i-im sorry.." he said scratching the back of his head. "Are you crying??" he tried to reach his right hand to her face but to no avail. Irene stood up from the seat.

This is not going the way he planned. He messed up big time.

"It's okay. I get it." she said, trying her best to prevent the tears from falling. She'll look stupid. And she doesn't want it. Sooyoung will question her, more like interrogating her when she get back to her seat. Therefore she decided to leave.

"You can do what you want. I'll just leave. Goodbye." she said in a sad low tone, pushing the chair back into the table. Dragging her feet to where her bag was. Leaving the dumbfounded sooyoung alone and the dumb taehyung at his seat.

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