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Freddy Krueger was a monster who wore the face of a man. He was known and well liked in the small town of Springwood. Whenever someone needed a favor done it was usually reliable Freddy who did so with a smile and a beer usually. This made it all the more shocking when the truth came out.

Springwood as peaceful as it was had a problem. Someone had been taking children and butchering them horribly. The papers dubbed this as the Springwood Slasher. And as you could guess, it was Freddy.  Eventually the truth came out and he was arrested. The presiding judge however was a drunk and had been that day. Because of this, he made a mistake and Krueger got off on a technicality. 

The parents of Springwood weren't going to have this. They weren't going to let that monster walk free. So, they chased him down and had him surrounded in his house. The Springwood citizens would have to make their own justice. And so, they burnt the house down with him inside.

Sadly, this is not where Freddy Krueger's tale ends. As the child murderer burned alive he was visited by demons who offered him a way to live forever. To get his revenge on those who were killing him. In panic and fear he accepted.

Freddy was imbued with the power of the Dream Demons. He would continue to live so long as fear of him stayed alive in the minds of those in Springwood. He could haunt the dreams of his victims and inflict punishment. The injuries sustained in the dream were carried over into the awake world. That included death as well.

After many years of torment the town of Springwood wised up. They treated Freddy like the plague. His name wasn't spoken, any evidence of his wrath was destroyed until finally he wasn't even a memory. Because of this, Freddy was trapped. He was unable to do anything if no one was afraid.

Eventually he found someone who could help him. A patsy to do his bidding and made the people of Springwood remember him. It had almost worked too, until the patsy turned on him and defeated him.

He had died on the earthly plain. And now he was falling. Freddy fell for what felt like an eternity. Suddenly, he crashed down onto ground that seemed to appear out of nowhere. The place that he was in was dark. Chains lined the ceiling and there was some sort of rotating pillar that held various pieces of bloody flesh nailed to it. It was at this moment that Freddy looked at his hands. Not only was his signature glove missing but...his hands were no longer burned. He ran his fingers over his head. There was hair, and his face wasn't scarred.

He began to panic. So much so that he didn't even notice that at the center of the room right in front of him was a gold and black ordained cube. From nowhere it seemed the room was filled by the sound of chimes. Freddy looked around and behind him a door appeared. From the door emerged a grotesque creature. Putrid and fat, the birth of it contained only in the leather robe like garb that it had been wearing. Fresh blood dripping from the maw of the humanoid creature.

A second chime and a second door appeared, and with this door an even more horrid creature emerged. Once again dressed in similar leather attire this one's face was malformed. It was as if the skin on its head had been pulled back and around its head. It's mouth was pulled back by hooked straps causing the teeth and gums to be exposed and a chattering sound from the thing's mouth could be heard.

A third chime and with it a third creature. This time it was a woman with pale white skin. There was some sort of wire sticking from both sides of her neck and met in the center where it opened up her throat in the shape of a woman's privates.

Then, a fourth and final chime. Freddy was suddenly blinded by a blinding white light. The light suddenly was cut by the form of another creature. This one was just as pale as the last but his head was ordained with symmetrical lines and those lines had nails or pins protruding from them. Freddy's eyes widened at the sight of this one in particular. "No..." he said in utter disbelief.

"Fredrick Krueger.  Did you think it would be that easy?" The final creature spoke. Such a deep and powerful voice that God himself might have waited on bender knee from the authority that this one commanded. "Did you think it would be so easy?" It asked Freddy, but spoke again before he could answer. "No. I think not. You escaped Hell once and now you must pay Hell's prince." The creatures that had eyes looked at the child killer with hunger in their eyes.

"What the hell is going on? What have you done to me!?" Freddy yelled at the leader.

"I have taken back that which you have abused." The leader spoke, unimpressed by Freddy's yelling.

"No! You can' powers are mi~!"

"Nothing belongs to you!" The leader's voice rose and the room itself seemed to shake. "The instant you died your soul belonged to Hell, to us." It said, lifting his head to motion to its companions. "Your powers were merely an extension of Hell's own plan. But, when you deviated from that strategy you forced my hand." It raised its hand to reveal that it was wearing Freddy's glove.

"Hell is a prison and I am its warden as well as its chaplain. There is no escape." With that, the leader threw his hand forward. At that moment chains with large hooks shot out from the darkness and embedded themselves into the flesh of Freddy again and again until he was being pulled at almost every angle. "This is your execution Fredrick." It spoke as all four approached the hanging man who had never experienced such intense and true pain and terror. "We will tear your soul apart!"

The leader was a demon of his word. But not fast, oh so so slowly the four of the Order fire away at Freddy's body and soul. Each one taking turns with the glove he so loved until finally there was nothing left but a bloody stain upon the ground. With their job completed, the glove was added to their collection on the spinning pillar before they vanished, returning from whence the cane.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2018 ⏰

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