If We Took It There

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Invidia Hunter got out of the car and stared at the big scary building her mum told her about. School. Her twin brother, Sinclair, appeared by her side and they looked at each other. The twins both had black hair, thanks to their mother’s Asian heritage, bright hazel eyes, and beautiful tan skin. Seeing the scared expression on his sister’s face, Sinclair gave her a reassuring smile and offered his little hand. Invidia smiled gratefully and entwined her little fingers around his. She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up to see her mother, Lorraine, smiling down at her. She let her mother take her other hand and her father, Finn, held Sinclair’s other free hand. Together, they walked inside the building. They walked for a minute and stopped in front of a room. A terrifying looking woman with a bright smile greeted the Hunters.

“Your Majesties,” the woman bowed slightly.

Invidia was used to everyone bowing to her mum and dad like they were some sort of king and queen.

Lorraine laughed, “Please. It’s just Mr. and Mrs. Hunter.”

The woman looked more at ease, “Of course.” She scrunched down till she was face to face with the twins, “Hello, you must be Invidia and Sinclair.”

Sinclair, being the outgoing kid that he is, released his sister’s hand and presented his little hand for a handshake, “I’m Sinclair. I’m almost 6.”

The woman laughed and shook his hand, “Hello, Sinclair.” Then she turned to Invidia and stuck out her hand in front of her little heart shaped face, “And you must be Invidia. I’m Ms. Light and I’ll be your teacher.”

Invidia, still holding her mother’s hand, shyly reached out and shook her hand.

Ms. Light smiled and stood up. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you both, but, I know some people who will be more pleased to meet you.”

Sinclair cheered and dashed toward the room making Lorraine and F inn laugh.

“He’s never been shy,” her mother said.

Ms. Light laughed, “That’s always good.” She looked at Invidia and offered her hand, “It’s okay, sweetie. It’s not so scary.”

Invidia looked up at her mother, who nodded. She slowly released her mother’s hand and took the teacher’s. Ms. Light led her inside and she saw a lot of boys and girls her age.

“Invidia. Sinclair,” Lorraine called from the door.

The twins looked at their mother. She opened her arms and the twins rushed to her. Lorraine lifted them up, kissed both of children, hugged them tight, and Finn wrapped his arms around his family. After a few minutes, they released them, “We love you.”

“We love you too,” the twins chorused then went inside.

After learning how to count and write their names, which both Invidia and Sinclair already knew how to do, it was time for a break. Recess. Ms. Light took them out to the playground to get some fresh air and play. Invidia was alone since her brother abandoned her for dirt and worms.

School’s not so bad, Invidia thought.

She walked across the playground and took in her surroundings. There was a jungle gym. Monkey bars. Swing sets. Everyone was laughing and having fun. Except one kid who sat under a tree, reading a book. He was wearing a blue shirt, brown khaki shorts, and he had glasses.

She approached him, “Why aren’t you playing with the others?”

The little kid jumped, “You scared me.”

“I’m sorry,” Invidia apologized.

He nodded, “I don’t like to play.”

This time, she nodded. “What are you reading?”

The little boy looked at her skeptically, “The Little Engine That Could.”

“Cool,” she sat beside him. “What’s it about?”

His eyes winded animatedly and started rambling about the book. She laughed at the way he used his hands to describe the book and made sound effects. Fifteen minutes later, Ms. Light announced it was time to go inside.

The little boy got up and extended a hand, “I’m Clayton.”

She took his hand and pulled herself up, “I’m Invidia.”

He nodded and smiled at her. She noticed Clayton had shaggy brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin.

 She returned his smile, “Wanna be my friend?”

Clayton nodded shyly.

He doesn’t say much but at least I have a friend.

They walked together, behind everyone else.

When it was time to go home, Invidia bounced as she saw her parents’ car coming. She ran to them as soon as they got out.

“Mummy! Daddy!” she hugged them.

Lorraine laughed, “Someone’s happy, hmm?”

Invidia released them and nodded enthusiastically, “I made a new friend. His name is Clayton Storm.” She pulled him from behind her.

Her mother crouched and met Clayton’s eyes, “Hello, darling.”

“Hello, ma’am,” Clay replied, quickly looking away.

Lorraine smiled and got up.

“Mum! Dad! I made a friend too!” Sin boasted, placing his arm around a little boy’s shoulders. “This is John Stonewall Pierce.”

Now, it was Finn’s turn to crouch, which was hard for a six foot five man, and reached out to ruffle the boy’s hair, “Hello, John.”

Stone had dark blonde hair and blue-grey eyes. He smiled at her father, “Hello.”

Invidia tugged on her mother’s pants, “Mum, can they come over?”

Lorraine looked at Finn and smiled when he nodded, “Of course, sweetheart. Let me just go inside and ask for their parent’s numbers so we can call and let them know.”

The children cheered and Lorraine went inside the building.

Ever since that day, the four have been inseparable. They did almost everything together. No secrets were kept between their little group. Invidia learned that Clayton was adopted, along with his five siblings. John was the son of a businessman and belonged to prestigious family. Although their differences, they always stuck together. Even after their parents told the twins they were the heir and heiress of Luxuria, the international multi-billiondollar company, and they were the children of the Ice Witch. Knowing your mother was a worldwide gem, that you were going to run a business when you graduated, and that you were number 3, alongside your twin, on the World’s Most Esteemed was a lot of pressure.

Middle school life for Invidia was tough. Although many adored her, she had no real friends except Clayton, John, and Sinclair. Everybody was afraid to offend her or go against her wishes simply because her family was rich and powerful. It wasn’t her fault her mother was the Ice Witch and her father was a respected tycoon.

Like seriously? So what if her parents ruled the business world? It’s just money and power. No big deal.

But not everybody shared her point of view. After she graduated high school, she begged her mother to transfer all four of them to a university where nobody knew who any of them were. When freshman year started, Invidia introduced herself as V, Sinclair went as Sin, John as Stone, and Clayton as Clay. The twins denied any claims of them being the diamond duo, a name bestowed upon them by the media. They participated in school activities but were careful not to draw any attention to themselves. They were normal people.

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